1. live with severe water stress 2. fear unprecedented heatwaves 3. be at risk from deadly diseases 4. be affected by extreme weather 5. suffer hunger/famine/starvation 6. consider relocating due to climate
No, this couldn't be true.
Could it?
Average global temperature will have risen considerably in 7 years time - we're set to hit catastrophic 1.5C by 2026:
'The analysis assumes that little or no action is taken to reduce emissions'.
Heat waves with levels of heat and humidity that *exceed what humans can survive without protection* could hit over 1.5 billion people in South Asia within a few decades. ⚠️
Today over 6 billion people are in climates where there's a risk of mosquito-spread diseases. That number will rise: theguardian.com/society/2019/m…
"Climate change is going to kill a lot of people. Mosquito-borne diseases are going to be a big way that happens". commondreams.org/news/2019/03/2…
Most people will be affected as crops, infrastructure, homes, and the global economy are hit by increasingly severe weather.
Already today a billion people are directly facing climate change related hazards (cyclones, floods, bushfires, rising sea levels).vice.com/en_asia/articl…
'Since 1998, about 4.5 billion people around the world have been hurt by extreme weather.'
In the next 7 years, as abrupt climate change accelerates, this number will likely be hit directly or indirectly as extreme weather becomes far more severe/frequent.aljazeera.com/news/2019/03/c…
2 billion hit by absolute water scarcity by 2026 plus worse extreme weather. The impact on food production! Only huge change could stop over 50% being hungry by 2026:unfccc.int/news/un-warns-…
"If we cannot find a solution to this problem..in 2025, close to 70% [of the planet's soil] could be affected," Gnacadja said. "There will not be global security without food security."
"yet to be fully recognized by both the public and the climate research community. If the projections in the study come even close to be realized, the consequences for society worldwide will be enormous"
'Livelihoods of indigenous communities in Asia are in danger and climate change will end up increasing the food price, increase in cost of living and will further exacerbate poverty.' downtoearth.org.in/news/food-pric…
4 billion suffering from micronutrient malnutrition (hidden hunger), or worse, by 2026, is a disturbing possibility.
It seems likely that by 2026 most people will at some point *weigh up* whether they should stay, or move to avoid negative impacts of climate breakdown & ecological collapse.
None of this is set in stone. Radical, positive changes to human society could help to 1) prevent water and food crises spinning out of control 2) protect everyone from heatwaves and extreme weather events 3) ensure good health for all 4) allow people to move safely and securely.
All this is to hammer home the urgent need to act now.
'3 billion people will have to choose between going hungry and moving their families to milder climes because of climate change within 100 years'.
'Under agricultural conditions, it takes about 500 years to create an inch of topsoil, which can be lost in minutes. World agriculture contributes to a soil loss of 24 billion tons each year (Baskin, 1997)'sciencedirect.com/topics/agricul…
World Day to Combat Desertification/Drought:
'UN Secretary-General António Guterres warned that the world loses 24 billion tons of fertile land every year.'
"reduce forced migration, improve food security and spur economic growth"
⚠️A recent UN-commissioned report found that capitalism is unsustainable, yet it continues to back the overconsumption, waste & environmental destruction of corporate neocolonialism.news.un.org/en/story/2019/…
UN report on unsustainable free market capitalism. ⬇️
'Industrialised agriculture wouldn't be possible without plentiful provisions of cheap crude oil & natural gas to supply fuels, pesticides, herbicides & fertilisers. If the cheap oil & gas supply fails global agriculture fails too..'
COLLAPSING: scientists indicate civilisation-wrecking conditions are already developing as rapid mass extinction accelerates with billions set to be killed from 2029- 2048🧵
Current generic extinction rates likely to greatly accelerate in coming decades due to economic growth & overconsumption by the rich.
Economic activities during capitalism are destroying the conditions that make human life possible. pnas.org/doi/10.1073/pn… salon.com/2023/09/19/exp…
Plastic contamination will soon be "catastrophic" for human health and is slowly "killing the human race"
more cancer, more allergic diseases, more infertility
DOOM: majority of scientists think difficult-or-impossible-to-survive warming of 1.9-2.1°C and rising is now unavoidable and set to begin wiping out species within years 🧵
1. 'New assessment warns area the size of the USA will become too hot during extreme heat events for even healthy young humans to maintain a safe body temperature if we hit 2°C' kcl.ac.uk/news/half-a-de…
2. Even before new research confirming warming is accelerating, the overwhelming majority of climate scientists fully expected ~2°C (in most cases much more).
COLLAPSE: scientists indicate all aspects of human societies will be wrecked by 2029-2092 as habitat destruction and pollution intensify with unsurvivable accelerating warming of 1.95-2.15°C and rising now unavoidable even with capitalism's best-case emissions reductions 🧵
"The 2C target is dead, because the global energy use is rising, and it will continue to rise”.. global heating is likely to reach 2C by 2045 dumptheguardian.com/environment/20…
The economy is a heat engine.
How will it cool the planet?
Collapse is already here.
Time to rethink. 🧵
Economic growth: the engine of collapse
The hope is that, with astute academic guidance and sufficiently powerful doses of political will, we can safely navigate our way through the Anthropocene.
But there are physical limits to what is possible.
To get a sense of any physical limits, it helps to look at how physical systems function. A useful concept here is a thermodynamic “heat engine”... available energy powers cyclical motions thereby enabling “work’’ to be done to move something else while giving off waste heat.
COLLAPSE: there is a very high likelihood that capitalism has condemned 2 to 7 billion people to an early death by 2038-2058. 🧵
'a very high likelihood of 2.0 °C of regional warming by 2040 for the majority of regions, along with a likelihood of 3 °C by mid-century' iopscience.iop.org/article/10.108…
Report fr risk management experts the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries:
'At 3C or more of heating by 2050, there could be more than 4 billion deaths, significant sociopolitical fragmentation worldwide, failure of states..'