@BarStirer@alicetimmons@wisitwippl@marykmac@ShappiKhorsandi Your refusal reveals the truth. It's not about a specific case and there are no rules. You just want to have a trump card you can produce to persecute some you don't like whenever you want.
I also think you are looking at it from a heavily biased view where no woman ever feels uncomfortable, and so you set the bar so high the effect is all ....
@marykmac@prolifetory@BarStirer@alicetimmons@wisitwippl@ShappiKhorsandi .... actions become wrong. The resolution to that paradox becomes, "well, we won't prosecute actions where everyone is cool, but identical actions where someone is upset (or decades later has a grudge and claims to be upset) they are unacceptable!" .... thats impractical....
@marykmac@prolifetory@BarStirer@alicetimmons@wisitwippl@ShappiKhorsandi .... a better approach is to recognise that a huge proportion, maybe half, of all interactions are to some degree awkward for someone, and thats fine. We're all adults. I didn't lose my shit when those women touched me, but if they had persisted I'd have increased my firmness ...