State capitalism(s) - Interrogating the ‘return’ of the state in development.
Want to contribute? Get in touch with @IliasAlami and/or @farwasial.
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They provide some contextual information on the rise of new state capitalism and critically engage w/the recent literature. #statecapitalism……
First up, Adam Dixon & @IliasAlami argue that COVID19 may hasten changes toward explicit forms of state capitalism in the West.…
@anna_sturman analyzes the relationship between the Australian capitalist state, #COVID19, and climate emergency, and lays out concrete policy proposals to address the overlapping crises.
@mehmetermanerol: As the state is an arena of class struggle, a socialist response cannot be reduced to a defence of statism or welfarism, but must aim to transform social relations.…
@TrissiaHebe_W explores the effects neoliberal policies have on state-capital relations in Indonesia through the recent Omnibus Bill.
She demonstrates why and how it may not boost manufacturing & jobs after all.…

@JNemsingh unpacks promises & pitfalls of state-led development in resource-rich countries.
"Crucially, whenever crisis and uncertainty appear, the state as a stabilizing force becomes more prescient than ever."…
Andreas Nölke links his book (w/ten Brink, May & @simoneclaar) to the #StateCapitalism debate.
They develop an ideal type of "state-permeated capitalism" – and examine to what extent large emerging markets are approaching this ideal type.…
@keanfanlim explores the rationale behind RMB internationalisation in the context of Chinese state capitalism and finds that the overarching logic is largely geographical.
Check it out👇…