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However, you can kill a revolutionary, but you cannot kill a revolution.

The FBI conspired with the CPD to assassinate Fred, marking one of the few instances of political assassination by law enforcement agencies of this country.

They didn't arrive in police trucks, but public utility trucks instead. And they had the singular purpose of killing Fred & anyone else who was in that apartment.

Because Fred Hampton was a young man who had remarkable, extraordinary gifts. Because of his courage, his charisma, his commitment.

That's why in 1968, we joined forces with other activists to create the first Rainbow Coalition. chicagotribune.com/entertainment/…

The U.S. was founded on a revolution, and that revolution continues to this day.
Fred was right, and his blood still introduces fruit. Groups like #BlackLivesMatter exist b/c of the blood of Fred Hampton.

He was a leader of men and women, but more than anything else, Fred Hampton was a man that everybody knew. wgntv.com/2019/12/03/con…