Inspired by @mattdavella and @JamesClear, I'm embarking on 12 monthly challenges this year to build better habits in my life! Image
Been really fascinated lately with the science behind behaviour change and learning habits. So often I get impatient and try to stack too many new habits at once and fail to maintain most of them. Hopefully this approach leads to more positive change & becoming a better Rishaad!

JANUARY / Gratitude journal every day.

My girlfriend & I share three things that we're grateful for each day. It's something I cherish as I get to learn more about her day and her desires. It's also good for my mental health after a sometimes stressful day at work.
But I think actually writing these gratitudes down would help instil and sustain this more positive outlook throughout my day. I downloaded the Gratitude app in May but it's not stuck. Perhaps keeping this notebook on my bedside table will remind and encourage me to do this! ✍🏼 Image
My progress of gratitude journaling in one month! Three a day, 93 graditudes total. I was consistent for the first 20 days and then found myself slacking and retrospectively adding gratitude for previous days. Better to not leave it right before bedtime as my motivation wanes. Image

FEBRUARY / Meditate for at least five mins a day.

I've been meditating since 2016, mostly using Headspace. You may remember my 16 months of trying to keep myself accountable by posting my fav mindful moments on Twitter.

I'm pretty inconsistent with it though, despite it definitely helping to calm my racing mind. I often don't prioritise it or think I have time for it, even though that time is really an investment that will help improve my mindset and outlook for the rest of my day. Image
My best run is 30 days in a row of meditation, so hopefully i can surpass that. I've already got 10 mins in the bag today!

Currently doing the Appreciation pack, which is a nice supplement to my gratitude journaling 😊 Image
An update on this!

February went great for daily meditations, I'm on a 62 day streak since 30th Jan. Double my previous best effort!

Trying to shift my meditation session to the morning as I often fall into the trap of leaving until before I go to sleep, which has less benefit. ImageImage
And here's my favourite Headspace mindful moments over the past two months.

My Headspace annual membership has run out. So after four years, I'm gonna move to using my @ouraring and establish a new meditation habit of 'Taking a moment' when I check my sleep data each morning 🤞🏻 ImageImageImageImage
MARCH / Dry brush for 5 mins every morning.

Was inspired by @meowmeix on Insta to give it a try. Exfoliation, softer skin, energy boost, stimulated lymphatic system.

A fail for me. Regularly didn't give myself enough time before my morning shower. Will try to improve in April! Image
APRIL / No tech after 21.30 (TV, phone, iPad, laptop etc.)

My most important habit challenge. All my life, I've struggled to establish a regular healthy sleeping pattern. From staying up to see my dad to come home from work, to working at nightclubs, to all nighters at uni.
Oh and just staying up to binge content through the years ranging from Formula 1, The O.C., research on sleep (I ironically read a lot about sleep, see below), tumblr, wrestling. Even last night I went to bed at 12.45 after scrolling through the #BetterCallSaul subreddit. Image
Here's my @ouraring trends data since Sept 2018 for my average:

-Bedtime (midnight)
-Total Sleep (7h 34 mins)
-Sleep Latency (21 mins)
-Sleep Score (78%)

Look forward to comparing in a month to see if this habit of no blue light & addictive tech before bed has stuck and helped! ImageImageImageImage
So did a 21.30 tech curfew (which I adhered to all but five evenings!) benefit my sleep?

-Bedtime (23.45, -15m)👍
-Total Sleep (8h 02m, +28m)👍
-Sleep Latency (20m, -1m)👍
-Sleep Score (77%, -1%)👎 (I think added anxiety made my seep more restless in spite of these improvements) ImageImageImageImage
MAY / 10 mins of stretching before bed every night.

Hoping this helps to provide more relaxation and mindfulness before bed and restore my flexibility.

I will habit stack this with the 21.30 tech curfew, so an alarm at 21.30 signals the end of tech and the start of stretching!
Was pretty consistent with stretching before bed during May, although I morphed this into a 25 min yoga routine and it warmed me up *too* much that my sleep was negatively impacted! Have maintained a quick neck and shoulders routine since - helping my niggling ache of over a year
JUNE / Go outside at lunch every day at work.

This was designed for a time when, unless it was sunny and warm, I would tend to eat lunch (those on Insta know all about my salads!) at my desk and use my lunch break to catch up on social media, personal emails, Reddit etc.
With Covid, being furloughed three weeks each month and the amazing weather, it's been much easier to break up my day, change environments and build better routines.

Here I am having lunch in my back garden last month topping up my tan, my vitamin D and my circadian rhythm! Image
So July was to be no social media as I anticipated a quieter month of less necessary and addictive things to engage with. But I refuse to give it up while still following along with the #LUFC promotion party / (inevitable) play off pain. So I'm swapping it round with August...
JULY / Compliment at least one person every day.

Wanted to do this to spread the love & help us both feel good. Challenging with limited social interaction, although I'm sure my girlfriend won't grow tired of (more!) daily compliments! Will try to mix it up on SM, calls, emails.
Regrettably, complimenting one person every day (that wasn't my girlfriend, or myself!😎🫂) became a bit of an afterthought many days. A shame as when I devised these challenges this was one that I was most enthused by. Something I want to continue to implement.
AUGUST / No social media (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Reddit, Letterboxd, YouTube)


Most weeks I do one day of no social media (typically Sundays) and I don't really go on social media when on holidays. My longest period is one week, which was genuinely revitalising.
Social media can be a wonderful place to connect, learn, laugh, share, validate. I've made and met lots of great friends online. Woo!

It can also be an easily accessible, addictive and obsessive way to habitually distract ourselves from any discomfort or feeling of boredom. Boo!
I don't like the way it often makes me feel more stressed, overwhelmed, irritable - and dependant on it. So I'm taking a month to retune my relationship with these platforms to come back more mindful online + a better person offline.

Please don't unfollow me in the meantime lol
My girlfriend Courtney is also doing this challenge with me! She volunteered after losing three hours one evening scrolling through TikTok. It will be nice to have some extra accountability and mutual support.

What will emerge as the new priorities of our time awake?🤔🧐
Coincidentally, @marianne_eloise posted today about the benefits of her recent week offline. Hopefully I achieve optimal chill too.…
Hello! So how was a month of no social media?

📌Much less FOMO than anticipated
📌Amusingly got emails four days in from websites asking where I was
📌Evenings dragged at first
📌I started doing crosswords!
📌Optimal chill was achieved at times

I began to seek out different ways to obtain new information to escape, mindlessly distract myself or avoid boredom:

📌Refreshing my podcast feed, the news, the weather
📌Synching data to my @oura app
📌Googling for #LUFC news
📌Even bloomin' LinkedIn became a replacement!
I realised how much I rely on Twitter as a source of news or just things going on. For example, I had no idea about #Shedinburgh until a few days before it began as it was mentioned in an unrelated podcast. So Twitter seems key to staying connected to / a part of communities.
I paired this challenge with @Catherine_Price's 30-day phone breakup plan from her book How to Break Up with Your Phone. It helped me sustain momentum/purpose, reflect on how I want my phone to serve me and ground my mindset on considering what I want to pay attention to each day
At times I did miss Twitter in particular. There were news stories where I wondered about the memes. There were things I wanted to share or contribute my opinion towards. But I'm pleased that on the morning of 1st September, I chose to clean my flat instead of immediately log in.
SEPT / Take a 5 min cold shower every day 🚿

I've been ending my showers with a 30 second blast of cold water since 2016. I do it for the energising and invigorating endorphin rush it provides. I immediately feel more alert and energised (and cold, brrrr).
There's also research on cold exposure benefiting inflammation, immunity, anxiety, stress, focus, mental resilience & mood.

But I'm mainly doing this to reduce the amount of time I spend in the shower and maybe help my psoriasis and dry skin. So far it's helped on the former!
After a month of cold showers, I can comfortably commit to not doing that again! Definitely a shorter time in the shower and an invigorating feeling, but no benefits to my skin and too uncomfortable to do each day. I *like* a warm shower, so why deprive myself every time?
OCT // No caffeine (coffee, tea, dark chocolate)😱

I'm a Yorkshireman and love a brew. I was raised having a cup of tea at 10pm every night while watching Home Improvement. My last Secret Santa gave me six months worth of green tea. Moroccan mint tea is practically in my blood. Image
I also love a damn fine cup of (black) coffee. The smell is joyous & enriching. I didn't start drinking it regularly until I began full time work in 2014. When your leaving gift from work is a Nespresso machine (still so grateful!) it's perhaps become more than a habitual thing. Image
I don't necessarily feel like I use coffee as an energy or cognitive pick me up but maybe I've grown an unhealthy dependency that I never had in my youth to have that sustained energy, focus and productivity - above the desire to drink it because it's tasty yummy good stuff.
I love dark chocolate too. It's one of my favourite foods. Look here! A coffee and dark chocolate combo at breakfast is my morning routine ritual. There probably isn't an 80%+ dark chocolate out there in UK shops that I haven't tasted.
I consciously did a month without coffee in 2018, which was okay, but never caffeine entirely. I'd like to more closely track the impact on my sleep, mood, energy and anxiety. That means no kombucha or decaf coffee/tea, but plenty of mint, rooibos, turmeric, chamomile tea! 🫖😁 Image
Five days in and it has been a bit rough. A massive headache on days 2+3, sciatica in my legs the past two days and general fatigue. Instead of sensibly waning off, I stupidly consumed everything in my cupboard to not have temptations. This would be a 31 day month as well 🙄
The face of someone 26 days into a 31 day challenge without caffeine after ordering ice cream who made sure to ask for flavours without chocolate yet receives a scoop of chocolate and a scoop of banoffee with choc chips 😑

I was too embarassed to say owt/waste it so I ate some! Image
So how was a month of no caffeine, except for the aforementioned ice cream? Surprisingly tolerable! The headaches, sciatica and fatigue faded away after eight days and the rest of the month I felt normal.

Here I am enjoying the reintroduction of dark chocolate, tea and coffee!😋 ImageImageImage
Oh yes, I do love @montezumas dark chocolate. Already got the his and hers advent calendars (with 100% recyclable packaging!) on display🤩😍 Image
NOV / No podcasts

In 2013, for some reason, I started listening to podcasts every day as a priority over music. When walking, running, cycling, working, cooking, ironing, cleaning, showering, whenever, wherever, we're... Look at how sharply my music plays dropped off after 2012! Image
I'm subscribed to 62 podcasts. Here they are! Mostly Leeds United, health and lifestyle, wrestling, film, politics and fundraising. Any here that you also enjoy or want to try? ImageImageImageImage
My app stats tell me that I listen to podcasts for about 44 days a year. That's literally 12% of the entire year. That's literally cay-ray-zay-!

I like podcasts, obviously. They educate, entertain, inform, enlighten, inspire.
But too often I lean on them as background noise to fill silences or distract myself. Sometimes I'm probably not even absorbing the content of the podcast.

And this is at the expense of music, which I like too, obviously! Here's what I specifically like:
So this month I'm swapping podcasts for music to fill silences and distract myself! Also for other very healthy, productive reasons.

1/ Discovering new music rather than trying to keep up with new releases from artists I already like. Top discovery so far? Dua Lipa!😂 #rarefind
2/ Audit my Spotify Liked songs. Last year I got to the max 10,000 and started to go through my artists alphabetically to unlike stuff such as when I've liked full albums when I only know or like a couple of the songs. So far I've got as far as Bl...🙄
3/ Switch off! Music generates so many nice feelings (nostalgia, delight, enchantment) and helps me to relax. And boogie🕺

It also probably gives my body and mind a rest from being overwhelmed with constant information to process via podcasts.
So here's what I listened to, and how much I listened to, in my month of no podcasts during November. 2826% more than October! 🎧… ImageImageImageImage
I didn't concertedly attempt to listen to new music in the end. I just shuffled my Liked Songs most days, yet 48% of tracks I listened to were 'new'.

This - alongside moving my alphabetical artists audit from Bl... to Ch... - has reduced my Liked Songs down to 7,685! Image
I did get proper FOMO from some Leeds United podcasts. However, I didn't particularly miss any others. I actually enjoyed the freedom from having to keep up and stay informed with the various topics I subscribe to. Caught up on what I wanted to so far this month and moved on!
Anyway, here's a playlist of my Top Songs 2020 (which is largely a reflection of the new (to me!) albums I listened to a lot)…
DEC / Floss twice a day

This one is pretty self-explanatory. I floss most days but should be more consistent with it and do it every day. So far, I am (almost!)
A simple trick to 'control the cue' has been to put my floss in sight on my bathroom counter mirror, rather than hidden on a lower shelf. Makes it easier & more obvious to start the habit.

Although the new eco-friendly floss I'm using keeps breaking, which is demotivating 😠
The end is heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeere! 🥳
Ironically, despite being one of the most straightforward and already established habits, Decembers challenge of flossing twice a day was one of the least successful to implement consistently (along with dry brushing every morning and complimenting one person each day) 😕
What I've discovered does help is keeping the floss out in sight in sight and starting my 'bedtime routine' (flossing teeth, brushing teeth, washing face) after I finish dinner as a cue. The later I leave it, the less motivation I have and I'll skip flossing to get to bed quicker
So that's it! 12 months, 12 challenges to build better habits in 2020!💪Covid-19 presented unanticipated challenges and barriers but amidst the failures/setbacks, I'm proud to have been resilient to establish and embed important, productive habits.

Here's some key reflections. Image
Most sustainable / Gratitude journal every day

I now consistently write three things I'm grateful for every night before I get in bed. I'm trying to be less lazy/repetitive. I want to be varied each day to recognise the little things. Here's my progress from January to today!✍️ ImageImage
Least impactful (i.e. what I'm not taking forward) / Dry brushing every morning

Didn't notice any benefits for exfoliation, softer skin, energy boost etc. It was boring and a chore. My dry brush literally hung in my bathroom for months without use and it now chucked. Not for me!
Hardest / THEM ALL! But specifically:

📌No social media: FOMO, restlessness, lame replacements for news and distraction
📌Cold showers: still ending showers w/ 30 secs but 5+ mins is unpleasant & apprehensive
📌No caffeine: for the first 8 days of headaches, sciatica & fatigue
Most underwhelming / Stretching before bed

I thought this would help me relax and unwind before bed but ironically it made me too warm and energised for sleep!

I am, however, currently enjoying a @yogawithadriene 30 days of yoga journey with my girlfriend after work 🧘‍♂️
Most rewarding / No podcasts

It was lovely to reconnect with music and remove the info overwhelm and feeling of duty to keep up with health/wellbeing/politics podcasts. Decluttered my podcast subscriptions to focus on those I actively listen to, not just something for bkg noise.
No 2021 challenges or resolutions but I'm taking forward commitments & motivations to make daily votes for the person I want to become:

📌Going to bed earlier
📌Reducing time on tech & social media
📌Prioritising time for French lessons
📌Going outside early to walk each morning
For Christmas I got the @JamesClear @baronfig Clear Habit Journal! Never been one to splash on journals or notebooks but it's so elegant and supportive! I plan to use for habit tracking, development, strategy and general daily journaling. If you fancy one: Image
Thanks for indulging me and following along - and congratulations on your own growth, achievements & learning this past year. Right now we should try to celebrate all our wins, no matter small or insignificant they may seem👏

Here's a bit of new year inspiration from @WeCroakApp Image

• • •

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