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@github @github my repeat reminder to bother you hasn’t gone off since I got to GDQ because who knows. But my bothering will not be stopped. What must be stopped is your service contract with ICE
@github @github any updates on the ICE thing?
@github @github no ICE in our homes, no ICE in our schools, no ICE in our source code revision control
@github @github it is four in the morning and I am declaring this tweet counts for yesterday not today

abolish ICE, put abadidea back in bed
@github @github and here is today’s actual tweet. I am dangerously tired and you are dangerously willing to support human rights abuses
@github @github I’m worn out, you know the deal, shame on your house shame on your car shame on whatever cutesy nonsense you have in your San Francisco headquarters
@github @github I’ve been numb all over my body for like two days now and I’m starting to worry something is seriously wrong but you know what I’m not numb to? “Progressive” tech companies taking ICE’s money
@github @github thank you for your silent concern, I feel a bit better today. So about that ICE thing
@github @github the food I just ate is too spicy for me. Could you get me a glass of water? How about some melted-down ICE?
@github @github hi happy Friday don’t contract with ICE okay bye
@github @github I didn’t sleep well. Happy friggin’ Saturday, whatever. GitHub works with ICE
@github @github good news, I slept well and am refreshed. 🌞 Happy Sunday 🌞 stop working with systematic human rights abusers
@github @github happy MLK day! let’s celebrate by not supporting the notoriously racist organization ICE
@github @github MLK Day is over but racism is not. No contracts with ICE
@github @github 🤖 beep boop I am the robot of shame. Critical levels of “progressive tech company” hypocrisy detected
@github @github you know I literally have nothing better to do with my time than antagonize you for your poor business ethics and my estimated remaining lifespan is about fifty years

which, BY THE WAY, is almost certainly far, far longer than you will exist as a company
@github @github I’m out here having a great Friday not enabling ICE, how about you?
@github @github I just accidentally typed your name as hithub. haha hithub. what would that even mean. Github works with ICE
@github @github I considered what other things rhyme with git, but the obvious answer is beneath my dignity

But apparently not beneath yours since you accepted a contract from ICE for what was frankly an insultingly small amount of money when it comes to selling out
@github @github 🚫🧊 no ICE in tech 🧊🚫
@github @github it’s a beautiful day and I’m gonna go on a nice walk and think about how I’m not getting paid by ICE
@github @github no escape Screenshot of bother GitHub reminder
@github @github
It’s a brand new day
And the sun’s on high
All the angels sing
“Divest from ICE ffs”
@github @github I have an ultra headache today, you’re not getting any cutesy tweets. ICE is a human rights abuse factory
@github @github how do you sleep at night knowing what you’re enabling

I guess corporations don’t really sleep so this isn’t my strongest tweet but I myself barely slept last night (not because of any moral atrocities I committed)
@github @github did you seal whoever makes business ethics decisions in the arctic code vault
@github @github *whistling innocently in your mentions*
@github @github I’m still whistling as I write this one. I just learned to whistle a few weeks ago. I’m 31 years old.

And I’m blowing the whistle on your collaboration with ICE
@github @github hey what’s up I forgot the word “laundry” but I didn’t forget to update the thread of shame
@github @github I want to go play euro truck simulator and not worry anything but noooo, I have to go clock in on twitter because it’s been months and you still haven’t done anything about the ICE situation
@github @github that typo yesterday was embarrassing but not as embarrassing as having the whole internet on your case because you renewed a contract with ICE
@github @github ring a ding ding guess who’s at the door

GitHub works with ICE
@github @github yea verily Blackletter calligraphy reading “GitHub works with ICE”
@github @github I keep waiting for something clever to percolate for the day but it’s not coming

ICE is bad
@github @github which type of corporation undermining human rights are you? turn your screen upside down to find out!

Answer: ɹoʇɐɹoqɐlloɔ
@github @github 💖✨ Abolish ICE ✨💖
@github @github I’m going to coldstone this afternoon but I’d give up ice cream for the rest of my life if that’s what it took to abolish ICE
@github @github Dear diary, it has been oh so very long and Duke GitHub has yet to respond to my subtle overtures. I am but a simple peasant girl it is true, but my heart is resolved: GitHub must cease cooperating with ICE
@github @github apparently it’s a holiday. I refuse to figure out which one. Happy whatever, abolish ICE
@github @github if I can work up the courage to tell a girl I’m gay for her, you can work up the courage to break up with ICE
@github @github *feels like I’m forgetting something*

ah yes. you. you’re surely not still doing that ICE thing, are you?
@github @github I’m busy cleaning and exercising like a competent adult and I would appreciate if I didn’t have to keep nagging you to also do the mature thing and admit you’re in the wrong about ICE
@github @github this is what you’re enabling: pregnant women and babies in unsanitary conditions and insufficient healthcare
@github @github 👁👄👁 any updates?
@github @github 🏂 Abolish ICE 🏂
@github @github says here on my schedule to bother github. something about them doing business with an organization in the news on a daily basis for human rights abuses. sounds bad
@github @github sooooooooooooo, any updates
@github @github github works with ICE
@github @github reminder that you sell technology to this organization, which never stops innovating ways to be unethical
@github @github what’s up, I’m very abruptly moving and it’s honestly very stressful, but my problems pale in comparison to those of refugees being mistreated by ICE
@github @github *expresses through interpretive dance that github works with ICE* 💃
@github @github note the massive uptick in detainment of families seeking asylum
@github @github hey reminder that you sell technology to an organization that uses technology to violate human rights at scale
@github @github I’m friggin’ exhausted from moving but I am here and once again asking you not to work with ICE
@github @github you know what’s really unsanitary? Immigration detention centers, where people regularly die of the flu due to lack of medical care. Just a little food for thought which I’m bringing up for absolutely no reason
@github @github tech companies love to talk about how they’re building the community, but this is the community you’re helping build: one where paramilitary forces roam around enforcing who does and doesn’t belong at gunpoint
@github @github no link today because I haven’t seen any news about ICE doing any crimes in the last 24 hours, which is surprising. I cannot emphasize enough how bad it is that this is surprising.
@github @github 📯 sound the trumpets, proclaim to all the realm that ye hub of git works with ICE
@github @github they backed down on this inhumane order when it made the news. That’s why people are fighting so hard to keep the immigrant crisis in the public eye.
@github @github I’ve been putting off thinking of some scathing remark because I am sick but only death itself can stop me from posting that you work with ICE

death or a wifi outage
@github @github tell us more about how corporations cooperating with ICE doesn’t make anything worse
@github @github I admit, I tried to think of something pie-themed for today but everything I came up with was tacky. GitHub works with ICE
@github @github I’m honestly pretty sick of updating this thread so if you could do the needful and stop cooperating with ICE that’d be a huge relief
@github @github discord is down, time to go bother github 🧊
@github @github your customer is dragging people out of their homes during a quarantine to keep them in overcrowded confinement camps and possibly deport them while contagious
@github @github time for everyone’s favorite: delusionally feverish updates to the thread! stop working with ICE or I’ll… uhhh… get back to you on that, because I can’t think good right now
@github @github still feverish. And you’re still working with ICE. I eagerly await a change on both fronts
@github @github *cough*

Err, that’s a cough to solicit attention, not a… okay strictly speaking I shouldn’t be coughing near anyone right now, even a corporation… I’ll just go now

(GitHub works with ICE)
@github @github bet you thought I’d get bored after like a week huh

well I’m still here and GitHub still works with ICE
@github @github stop providing technological enablement to an organization that has responded to the pandemic by stepping up the human rights abuses another notch
@github @github I’ll let someone else do the talking today
@github @github too sick to come up with a sick burn

GitHub works with ICE
@github @github tech workers who suddenly can’t hop countries on a whim might be finally realizing what it’s like for normal immigrants

abolish ICE
@github @github my perfect son is still waiting. It’s been months. He’s so patient. When are you discontinuing your work with ICE? My perfect son, Kirby
@github @github you figured out what your customer ICE is doing yet? because to the rest of us it’s looking like attempted genocide
@github @github remember: you chose ICE over the objections of your workers, your users and your other customers. Almost like we knew this would happen
@github @github it’s my birthday and I expect you to stop working with ICE as a present to me
@github @github I wasn’t fooling the last several months and I’m not fooling today: no cooperation with ICE
@github @github heard you had an outage today. Got you trending briefly. *turns around chair* but the real trend is your business ethics going downhill
@github @github I’m lying in bed not-quite-dying* of probably-corona and my not-quite-dying wish is for you to stop working with ICE. Look how sad I am: 😢 how can you deny a little girl** her wish?

* I am not dying. Probably.
** I am 32.
@github @github my gamer son is waiting for the “no more cooperation with ICE” patch Photo of my soft round son Kirby playing the witcher 3
@github @github congratulations! you’ve built a great product I enjoy using, which is why I won’t get tf off your case about basic business ethics
@github @github GitHub works with ICE in this, the year of 2020
@github @github nothing else has worked, so I’m attaching this random curse I found. No idea what it does, only character I can read is “misfortune”. Better play it safe and stop working with ICE Photo of a curse written in Japanese on strips of paper
@github @github it has been 0️⃣ days since I was last disappointed in you
@github @github I just accidentally marked “bother github” as completed rather than remind me later, so now I have to drop everything and bother you right away. GitHub works with ICE
@github @github happy easter! 🐰🥚 GitHub works with ICE, which doesn’t take holidays from human rights abuses
@github @github my twitter client segfaulted while I was sitting here wondering what to write today. but that won’t stop me. GitHub works with ICE
@github @github fun fact: I frequently manage to typo ICE as I E. And GitHub also works with IE, or at least I assume it does. I’m not checking. But working with ICE is a far bigger problem
@github @GitHub your favorite customers won’t leave people alone even when ordered by a judge
@github @github uggggh I am sick of having to update this thread, can you please just like… stop… working with ICE
@github @github ICE protest tomorrow in Texas, with suggested hashtags down-thread for those who can’t attend in person #FreeThemAllTexas
@github @github my son Kirby had to stock up on snacks since you’re taking so long to announce you’re no longer working with ICE Photo of my extremely round son Kirby with a box of trail mix
@github @github time to put down Euro Truck Simulator for a moment and go scold a corporation that brags about its welcoming community for being knowingly involved in human rights violations
@github @github oops! looks like we did a little enabling of ICE GitHub error 500 illustration
@github @github You are making a mockery of yourself. You have spent months refusing to listen to people pleading on behalf of immigrants who don’t happen to have a computer science degree.
@github @github despite everything, GitHub still works with ICE
@github @github ugghhhh I’m sick again (yes, again) and I’ve just been fiddling with my animal crossing house and I almost forgot to publicly shame GitHub for working with ICE
@github @github I figure this is going to keep going until the contract renewal comes up again. And I hope you are not going to then elect to sign up for another two years of enabling ICE
@github @github some day I will wake up and there will be literally three hundred @‘s in my mentions telling me that GitHub has broken up with ICE. Today is not that day. I will check again tomorrow
@github @github it’s my precious son’s birthday! all he wants is to hear you’ll stop working with ICE Photo of my round son Kirby wearing a crown
@github @github hey! the LOWBALL estimate is that your favorite customer is going to infect 72% of the people in their so-called care
@github @GitHub nobody saw this tweet yesterday due to the outage so I’m just gonna repost it and call it a day. Still more effort than you’ve put into the problem
@github @github will you address my concerns if I pose them in rap battle format
@github @github*awkwardly picks up mic* uhhh… my name is badidea and I’m here to say that GitHub’s f’d up in a pretty big way. They’re doing something really not nice, namely they’re taking money from ICE
@github @github head hurts, no clever comments, only aclu putting in the hours
@github @github three guesses who’s still working with ICE and the first two don’t count
@github @github yesterday someone said that this thread is political agitation which threatens open source and I’m thinking about new business cards. Anyway GitHub works with ICE, who violate human rights, and to be clear to certain kinds of programmers this is a bad thing
@github @GitHub ICE: still bad, you: still complicit
@github @GitHub waiting for VLC to patch, it’s a good time to go post about GitHub working with ICE
@github @github there wasn’t an apostrophe for the font on the one I used yesterday either. Someone go back to the 80s and 90s and tell them to make their pixel fonts more ascii compliant. Sub-Zero advocating for the abolition of ICE
@github a🅱️olish ICE
@github @GitHub I’ve had trashfire randos in my mentions all day but at least they’re brave enough to @ me

GitHub works with ICE
@github @GitHub maybe this is the message arcade machines should be displaying in attract mode Video game screenshot of Dr. Doom saying only villains work with ICE
@github Am I just using a random sierra death generator each day? Okay yes but
@github @github time to push this boulder with “GitHub works with ICE” painted on it to the top of this hill. Boy I bet this will be the day it doesn’t roll right back down. That’d be swell
@github @GitHub happy day against queerphobias. did you know your customer ICE has a habit of throwing queer refugees in internment camps because they tried to reach a country where their basic human rights *might* be respected
@github @GitHub I exercised a lot today and I was thinking I deserve a reward. How about GitHub announcing they’re no longer working with ICE?
@github @github just attaching more news about your favorite customer
@github @GitHub you know, I follow like two whole human rights accounts and yet I never run out of material about this one specific customer of yours
@github @GitHub your customer literally only exists as a racist allergic reaction. And you’re supporting them
@github @GitHub don’t have anything funny to say today, here’s a random tweet I saw about your customer ICE
@github @GitHub my daughter Miku has something to say Miku says abolish ICE
@github @GitHub I had another sassy image meme planned for today but stuff happened and anyways GitHub works with ICE and I’ll post a funny tomorrow I guess
@github @GitHub my other daughter Amy Rose has something to say Amy Rose says abolish ICE. Also the hammer is praxis.
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