Good day all! We have new research this morning about the Royals... do Canadians want to pay Harry & Meghan's security costs? Do we even want to carry on as a constitutional monarchy? Follow along as I walk you through the findings. #RoyalFamily#Mexit
To begin, you can read the report in full, access data tables, and read the questionnaire here:…
So, first, to the big ballot questions... how do Canadians feel about the prospect of a partial relocation to this country by the Duke and Duchess of Sussex? Contrary to much of the breathless reporting, we're pretty "meh" about the whole thing: #RoyalFamily#Mexit
That said, Canadians are following the story closely: #Royal
But the intensity of interest in the story shouldn't be mistaken for blind support, or an offer to pick up the royal tab on security or other living costs. A whopping 73% say "no" to subsidizing the #royal relocation:
The Sussexes are just part of the @RoyalFamily, the head of which is of course The Queen. She's also been Canada's head of state for 67 years. How do we feel about her? Pretty good:
@RoyalFamily But that favourability doesn't extend to the Queen's heir, @ClarenceHouse's Prince Charles, or many other senior members of the family.
@RoyalFamily@ClarenceHouse What's notable about views of the #royals is that while some are seen as working members of the family, others are merely seen as celebrities. The younger royals in particular:
@RoyalFamily@ClarenceHouse So... what does it all mean?! Is the House of Windsor even personally relevant to Canadians anymore? Age and gender drive opinion on this, but overall....
@RoyalFamily@ClarenceHouse With fully 66% of Canadians saying the #royal family is no longer relevant to them, do we even recognize the legitimacy of queens and future kings? Well, Her Majesty still has support:
@RoyalFamily@ClarenceHouse But at almost 94 years of age, one cannot help but think of a time when she is no longer alive. Canadians are not nearly as enthused about the prospect of King Charles:
@RoyalFamily@ClarenceHouse Should Canada even be a constitutional monarchy for generations to come? More people say no today than yes:
@RoyalFamily@ClarenceHouse If not a monarchy, then what? There isn't a lot of consensus on this question, but the most common answers include making the PM head of state OR keeping the GG in that role, but cutting ties with Britain:
@RoyalFamily@ClarenceHouse So there you have it. "Meh" to Meghan and Harry living in Canada, "No" to paying for them, and 💕💕💞 for Her Majesty. Thanks as always for following along. Special thanks to my colleagues at @angusreidorg, and again, you can read the whole report here:…
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New at this hour: Liberal lead over CPC increases to eight points, but is Carney’s house of dreams built on concrete or sand? I'm going to do a thread, follow along.
So you can read the full release, dig into the data tables, see the questionnaire, etc. here:…
The Liberals now command at least 40% support among every age and gender demographic. They are LEADING among young men. This is massive. #Election2025
Hello. Today, June 23, is commemorated as National Day of Remembrance for Victims of Terrorism. How many Canadians know why? The answer, very sadly, is very few. But I'm going to make a thread about this that I hope will be informative ... I invite you to follow along. #airindia
Last year, I mused out loud in this op-ed for @ottawacitizen about how many Canadians would know why June 23 is important in our…
As a pollster, I am uniquely positioned to ask Canadians. So I decided to find out.
Hi. This is the National Day of Remembrance of Victims of Terrorism. I must remember next year to poll on what Canadians think originated this day.
A thread ... I invite you to follow along.
If I was guessing, I'd guess significant numbers of people in this country think the worst incident of terrorism perpetrated on Canadian citizens was 9/11. Others might think of the Nova Scotia shootings, the attack on Parliament Hill, or something else.
It was in fact, the bombings of Air India Flight 182 (and the coordinated bombing of a CP jetliner in Tokyo). These attacks killed 331 people.
First, here's more info about how to access and watch:
Lots of conscientious planning + work goes into producing these debates. I'm the public face of it, but seasoned, smart, passionate BC political journalists are doing a lot of heavy lifting. This amazing team will be come together to discuss & decide on the q's leaders will face.
Hey Hey Happy Wednesday everyone. We've been working hard at @angusreidorg and can show you our latest federal vote intention numbers. Follow along as I walk you through them.
To begin, you can read the full report, download detailed tables, read up on methodology and fielding dates here:…
This was a survey of more than 5000 Cdns coast to coast so we can look at lots of different data cuts, (& we will) but here's the main story: 3 weeks from a Throne Speech & possible election, @liberal_party & @CPC_HQ are tied in voter intention among decided voters: #cdnpoli
Secondly, it's time for my usual disclaimer. Yes, PEI we ❤️you. Yes, you are DEFINITELY a part of Canada. No we didn't forget you. No, we can't include your premier due to small sample sizes based on small population. Same as we can't include territorial leaders for that reason.