There is both POR and DOR. Positive orgone energy, commonly referred to as just orgone, and Deadly Orgone.
Non-Organic metal materials attracts and then rapidly repels it.
It fills all space and is everywhere.
It’s mass free and is the primordial, cosmic energy.
It penetrates matter, but at different speeds.
It has a strong affinity and attraction to water.
It is accumulated naturally in the living organism by ingesting foods, breathing, and through the skin.
The bluer your sky is, the more bions are present. Orgone is also involved in cloud formation.
This is not surprising of course, but it's an easy observation that you can make yourself. Mind your sky.
"When did it become a reason for deportation that one looked in a microscope when one was not a trained biologist?"
Treated cancer with it.
Now, you might think, this is a pretty fucking far leap from seeing blue lights in a microscope. We'll get to the evidence soon
He first concluded that this was correct, but then later retracted his support for it, saying that it was an experimental error that was caysed by the temperature gradient inside the room.
Notice how there is a clear link between deserts and human suffering? Now you know why.
Cloudbusters can stop draughts and green deserts.
In August 1956 they burned six tons of books and papers in the public incinerator on 23rd Street in New York.
Today there are many consumer products today from companies which utilize these concepts.
They have made independent lab tests of tap water stored in their bottles. Click below for it…
So how do we transmute negative energy to positive? In 2000, a gentleman named Don Croft had a brilliant solution.
It doesn't block.