@JoeBiden may "embrace & praise" #Modi, but no one accuses him of outright supporting his Hindu nationalist #BJP by speaking at (& funding) its events in US — or of blatantly legitimizing Nazi-inspired #RSS paramilitary by repeatedly speaking at its events alongside its leaders.
#TulsiGabbard, on the other hand, has done all that, + hosted #RSS/#BJP spokesperson @rammadhavbjp at her wedding, + shared stage w/VHP (RSS's religious wing) leaders like Ashok Singhal, who said #Modi's Gujarat Pogrom was an experiment that should be repeated all over India.
Have you ever heard speakers at @ofbjp_usa repeatedly praise @JoeBiden for his efforts in the Senate to ensure #Modi & the #RSS's violence weren't censured in US Congress before his election in 2014? They've praised #TulsiGabbard for that — & called for donations to her for it.
#TulsiGabbard has received a congressional career total of $169,527 from 54 identifiable #RSS in America executives (like Ramesh Bhutada, vice president of RSS's int'l wing in US) — + $100s of $1000s from others at fundraisers hosted by those same execs.
What will it take for America to wake up and see that, indeed, Prime Minister #Modi is wearing no clothes whatsoever and that our nation must stop providing him — and his zealots — platforms from which to claim otherwise? #ModiNotWelcome
In 2022, raising concerns about the rapidly deteriorating human rights situation in India, Representative @IlhanMN asked: “What will it take for us to outwardly criticize the actions that the Modi administration is taking?”
Certainly, no one could imagine Turkey’s Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, China’s Xi Jinping, or Russia’s Vladimir Putin being so feted and honored by the US government.
Multiple India-based followers have informed me via screenshots that my entire Twitter account was just blocked in India in the past 12 hours or so. @TwitterIndia, this is outrageous. Moreover, you have failed to even formally notify me of this.
What’s the reason? I can only speculate, but it appears to be (considering the timing and mass banning in India of many other accounts of journalists touching on the same subject) this benign thread in which I affirm the need to uphold basic civil liberties in Punjab.
Whatever your opinion of Amritpal Singh, a man about whom I know very little, the mass crackdown on basic civil liberties in #Punjab is a totalitarian nightmare. Internet & mobile service banned, assembly banned, media censorship. From Kashmir to Punjab, where is the azadi?
This is not an endorsement of Amritpal Singh, about whom I hadn’t even heard until yesterday, but a denunciation of a governmental system which strips away the civil liberties of everyone in its efforts to arrest a single person. This is not justice. It’s a witch hunt.
Freedoms of speech, of assembly, of press, of communication, and more are inalienable rights which reign supreme in any democratic nation. No situation justifies suspending them. Ever, anywhere, at all.
The Hindu Swayamsevak Sangh (HSS) will vehemently protest against being linked to India’s fascist Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) when its ties are exposed (especially in front of local governments in the US). However, some basic research reveals a radically different story.
Let’s take a look at what mainstream Indian media says.
India’s Zee News — an outlet actually owned by a former Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) member — calls the Hindu Swayamsevak Sangh (HSS) the “overseas unit” of the RSS.
Short weeks after a worker of Hindu nationalist #RSS confessed the paramilitary ran bomb-making camps to attack Muslims, RSS-backed ruling BJP is sweeping up 100s of members of largest organized Indian Muslim group on flimsy allegations.
One of the worst allegations is that Popular Front of India (PFI) was plotting to assassinate RSS-BJP PM Modi. This is the same allegation levied against the Bhima Koregaon 16, a collection of academics/activists known for dissenting against RSS-BJP policies.
These PFI members, across multiple states, are being rounded up and held under draconian legislation that allows for arrest and indefinite detention without charges. This comes as international experts warn the RSS-BJP is on the verge of staging an anti-Muslim genocide in India.