【「台灣」變「台北及周邊地區」,《報導者》12日起每日兩次核實資訊正確性】 #COVID19 疫情傳出後,全球得以同步掌握各國狀況,科學家及教育家的資訊開放助益許多,其中,許多國家及媒體採用美國Johns Hopkins University CSSE架設的全球即時病例地圖。但今日清晨,包括台灣在內,許多國家名稱遭變更
在這波更名潮中,JHU不僅將台灣名稱變更為「Taipei and environs(台北及周邊地區)」並置放在中國之下,香港、澳門兩地也從國家地區清單中被移除,併入中國省份;中國則由原先「Mainland China」改為「China」。
「台北及周圍地區」(Taipei and environs)之名,出自#WHO這波COVID-19疫情報告對「台灣」名稱的多次更名。1月22日先把台灣稱為「中國,台灣」(Taiwan, China);隔日變成「台北直轄市」(Taipei Municipality);1月25日再改為「台北」(Taipei);2月5日出現了前所未見的「台北及周圍地區」。
但截至今晚8點10分,台灣名稱仍顯示為「Taipei and environs」。
Our latest investigation: how Taiwan became one of Russia’s most important suppliers of high-precision metalworking machines. Some of the machine tools were even acquired by nuclear research institutes and missile developers in Russia. 🧵
While most of the machine tool manufacturing countries from the West, such as Germany, ceased the exports to Russia following its invasion of Ukraine, Taiwan kept the business going and even saw significant increase in machine tool exports to Russia in 2022.
This is of course concerning for the US, especially considering that TW is a de-facto ally of the West and has sided with Ukraine since the war began. TW is also among the few countries that are capable of producing advanced machine tools, with quality only inferior to 🇩🇪🇨🇭🇯🇵