Flash Fiction Thread. Since we are all in #StayHome mode, here is a bit of topical flash fiction to amuse those with a dark sense of humour.
I suggest you skip this thread if you do not have said dark sense of humour.
Humans think they are so superior. These marvellous large brains each of them have. Huh! You know so little, despite your science.
Constantly sticking us in petri dishes, under microscopes, killing members of our community in labs across the world.
Humans think viruses don't have a brain. Hell, humans don't even classify us as a cell! Not even classified as living. What humans don't understand about us is we, each particle of us, in mass, make up one huge brain. We think, we plan, we communicate and we mutate. We can
group think at the speed of light, around the globe. You humans, you underestimated us. We were fine with the way things were, until humans started REALLY destroying the planet. Then we had to get serious, because damn it, if no environment, living multi-celled organisms die off
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There has been a lot of talk on Twitter lately about the difficulties in applying for DSP &/or NDIS (see quoted thread below). Yesterday @AllergyWhispers & I were talking about this article of mine wherein I talk about states of health and society. (1/3) limberation.com/2019/10/26/soc…
It occurred to me, my generation is effectively the first generation in human history with an appreciable number of chronic illness patients in society. This is because NOW medical science can keep us alive, whereas historically that was not possible. (2/3)
This simple fact may go a long way to explaining the issues society generally has in accepting chronically ill people (see my article in tweet 1) and the specifics of the difficulties around qualifying for support such as the DSP and NDIS. It is all linked. #chronicillness
Thank you all so much. I've emotionally processed the situation a bit more so feel better this morning. To give more context, when I was assessed yesterday, I had "tenderness" & swelling in new places: TMJ, sternum/clavicle, greater trochanter (enthesis), lateral elbow etc. (1/4)
Most of the 30 finger joints were swollen and "tender" when assessed. As with the toe joints (excluding the operated joints, no assessment for them). My energy level is shocking.
(3/4) Progression usually results in termination from the trial. The pred is temp.
Turning off replies to this, so I won't be tempted to use my hands replying! ☺️ Self-protection! My aim is just to give better context to you. 🤗🤗🤗
Responses on an earlier thread got me thinking: why does it always seem the "self-entitled" (Group Z people) expect acquiescence from the rest of us (Group A people). Furthermore, why do Grp A people seem to have a natural tendancy to acquiesce, or even make up defence stuff?
Why are Grp As hesitant to stand our ground on principle? Generally, Grp As don't like violence - Grp Zs often seem quite likely to resort to violence. One only needs to look at the USA: which group breaks out the guns, drives cars into peaceful protesters?
So Grp As do one of two things. They either hide away and hope Grp Zs will self-implode as a group, or they make up a defence the Grp Z can't really argue with BUT that lets the Grp Z retain their sense of self-entitlement to whatever it is they want (or want to do).
I've just had my first #Covid19 confrontation. Paying for my coffee in a local cafe, another patron about my age, stood right behind me, almost touching. I asked, "Excuse me, would you stand 1.5 metres away please?"
He rolled his eyes, huffed and said "Jeezus Christ".
He hardly moved. I was furious. My words to him were along the lines of if he had no idea how much danger the world was in he should educate himself. I finished by calling him an "ignorant, horrible person".
Yes, I look normal but I'm recovering from reasonably major
surgery AND I am on a clinical trial (minor risk factor only). I am also 65, higher risk age group.
He knows none of that, but THAT IS THE POINT, no-one ever knows the health status of the person whose space they invade.
3. Those finding it hardest to gain employment? Try seeking a job in your 60s - I now, I'm trying. Throw in a healthy dose of sexism as well and you have this: