I've got a call lined up for tomorrow with learning & curriculum consultants - today, I'm focused on creating a list of options to discuss in that call.
How do I let students run things? Facilitate discussions? What tech will let me do this?
Unfortunately I can't set any of them up yet because I need an answer from IT about merging my co-taught but convened-separately undergrad/masters courses
> that all my students have a computer they can use for hours at a time
> that they all have decent internet access
> that they all have, or can access, a mic+camera for when they're facilitating the class
Yesterday I was able to speak to some very excellent curriculum and learning consultants; I talked them through my plans, they had some great suggestions and were very reassuring. One thing they said seems very transferable...
"Don't think of it as stripping things back. You've already had to scrap basically everything, so now think of it like what can you add back in".
b) is there a reasonable way to do this asynchronously, without video/voice/live stuff? If so, do it. If not:
c) Collaborate Ultra or Teams? Which is best for this task?
and finally
d) how do I give feedback?
I'm gonna go drink a beer and stare at the ceiling
I'm a bit nervous, but also, have come to terms with the idea that it's going to be a shitshow.
They tag me when they want me to jump in on a small group chat with them to go over assignment questions and stuff. It's working okay?
I made short how-to screen recordings for using chat & the class collaborate space in Teams in response to immediate student needs. They are crap quality but happy to share?
#covidunis #highered
And look I did buy myself some nice pens too and a little whiteboard because these things give the illusion of order.
However! One of the facilitator had technical difficulties. Her home internet/laptop set up is not up to the task. The workaround was that she facetimed another facilitator who...
> being evicted
> having to move due to lost job
> being ill
> caring for a seriously ill loved one
> relationship breakdown
> bereavement
> working crisis overtime
And of course it will only get worse.
Not sure how much longer the "study as usual, but online" approach can continue #covidunis
Right now I think the most important part of our jobs as educators is pastoral care and support.
Another time I'll articulate this is a political demand; for now it's a bit much & I would really like to just cry about it
Online teaching has already broken me

trick question it's all four
[Scene] Me, back in the classroom, T1 2021, when I don’t know the answer to a student question
Also OneNote sucks
What are they learning from this exchange?
I'm getting brickwalled and some examples would be really helpful! #covidunis #highered

It was a good opportunity to critically reflect on the affordances and limitations of webinars & similar for online public engagement, but damn I miss f2f teaching #covidunis
Tech is always talked about in the best case scenario: "look what you can DO! It's just like teaching f2f!!"
b) the subtext there is "if it works, for you and for every student. It often won't, for one or all of you"
This was working last week, ffs.
(language warning)
While irl it looks very orange and more like cordial than anything else, I realised today it looks like a beer on the webcam.
> site visit preparation
> field work skills overview/refresher
> field work risk assessment
> groups to check site selection w me
> project planning
10am: check in - it's been 2 weeks since we last met! How is everyone? (Collaborate Ultra) - outline plans for the day
10:30(ish): discussion of & reflections of pre-recorded lectures and reading materials - questions, general chat (Collaborate Ultra)
11:30(ish): Introduce afternoon's activity - project planning & Masters workshop #covidunis #covidcampus
2:00: Chat with Masters students about their essays & review their essay questions.
I *don't have a beer* because my zoom exercise class starts at 5pm but after - AFTER! - there will be beer.
[I know some of this is familiar for some people who have sight/hearing/sensory processing issues]
#covidcampus #covidunis
#covidunis #CovidCampus
Reconsider, if you can, group work. Many of my courses contain a major assignment completed either in small groups or in pairs. I've simplified these tasks where I can but
so there's that.
hth a bit. #covidunis #CovidCampus
I'm feeling a bit too tired and headachy to feel much excitement or relief yet. And while I'm proud of the job we've done together, that's tempered by shame about the students who left that I wish I'd done more for.