Madrid accumulates stocks of sanitary material + imposes catastrophic directives that lead to a massive spread of the virus. Incompetent officials are praised + the direction of the crisis is in the hands of the military not epidemiologists.…
Anything to avoid that Catalonia or other communities manage themselves than the under metropol's orders. Madrid's aim is not to save lives + content the virus, but recentralice power and liquidate the autonomies before the scenario of bankruptcy + monarchy crisis #coronavirus
The excellent management of the terror attacks in Barcelona by the Catalan administration, when the central government proved to be incompetent, ineffective + acting in bad faith is too present in the government institutions. They prefer to jeopardize even more lives than in 2017
The Spanish government and deep state are acting in a negligent and criminal way. They should be stopped for the sake of general health. The airport, harbour and roads of Catalonia should be closed to avoid spreading the disease all over the world #coronavirus
This is an SOS not only from Catalonia, but also from all the perifery of Spain. Save us from this authoritarian, incompetent, criminal government in Madrid! #coronavirus#SOSSpain
Meanwhile on the 18th March, at 21 h the King of Spain wants to address a message to the population, probably a desperate attempt to save his crown after the scandal of his accounts in Switzerland with a fortune of dubious origin. 🇪🇦 lives 2 crisis #coronavirus + #Corinnavirus
EU authorities: it is time to finally act against Madrid and show the citizens whether this EU is of any use to preserve its foundational principles to protect the people. You are being accomplices of this negligent, criminal behaviour. #coronavirus
1/13 On the morning of 23rd of September 2019, 9 people were arrested by the Spanish paramilitary Guardia Civil police, accused by the Spanish National High Court of intending to prepare violent action. #StandUpForCatalonia #dematinada23S #AbsolucióDetingudes23S
3/13 Seven of the nine detainees arrested were taken to the National High Court in Madrid, where some of them were in pre-trial imprisonment up to 4 months in isolation regime. #StandUpForCatalonia #dematinada23S #AbsolucióDetingudes23S
Is de strafwet van 1846 voor beledigen van het koninghuis grondwettelijk? Dank aan het uitleveringsprocess van de rapper @valtonyc weten wij binnenkort meer ervan. #VrijeMeningsuiting#FreedomOfExpression
La loi pénale de 1846 pour insulte à la Maison royale est-elle constitutionnelle ? Grâce au processus d’extradition du rappeur @valtonyc nous en saurons bientôt plus. #Liberté d'expression #FreedomOfExpression
Ist das Strafgesetz von 1846 wegen Beleidigung des Königshauses verfassungskonform? Dank des Auslieferungsprozesses des Rappers @valtonyc werden wir bald mehr darüber wissen. #FreieMeinungsÄusserung#FreedomOfExpression
Dani Gallardo, a young Andalusian antifascist, is spending his birthday in pre-trial prison without bail under false accusations of violence against the police. #DaniLibertad
His "real crime" was to participate in a protest demonstration against the Draconian sentences against the Catalan leaders in Madrid. #DaniLibertad
Spain persecutes systematically any dissidence connected to minorities, anti-fascism and leftist and progressive ideologies. Dani is a political prisoner in a EU member state. #DaniLibertad
1/12 As you may have read, Podemos is being formally accused of illegal funding and investigated by a judge in Spain. What is going on in Spain? ⬇️…
2/12 Also, many leaders of Podemos are publicly complaining about a campaign against them. Right-wing judges coordinated with a set of right-wing media to falsely accuse Podemos of corruption
3/12 First, there is a problem of partisanims in the Spanish judiciary system. For many years, Spanish press and even judges have been investigating Catalan and Basque politicians and activists without enough evidence. This is called 'investigación prospectiva'.
80 jaar geleden werd de Catalaanse President Lluís Companys gearresteerd door de Gestapo. Hij werd uitgeleverd aan Spanje, waar hij werd gemarteld en vermoord. Spanje beschouwde President Companys tot 2018 wettelijk als een crimineel.
De moord op Companys is niet alleen de geschiedenis. In 2017 bedreigde de voorzitter van de meest gekozen politieke partij in Spanje @populares@pablocasado_@KRLS door te zeggen dat hij net als Lluis Companys "zou kunnen eindigen".
Hoewel de Spaanse regering de oneerlijkheid van het proces in 2018 symbolisch aan de President Lluis Companys heeft toegegeven. Maar het heeft het doodvonnis nooit juridisch geannuleerd.
📢De impact van de beslissing van het Belgische Hof over de situatie van @LluisPuigGordi heeft verstrekkende gevolgen waarvan u misschien niet op de hoogte bent. Deze beslissing heeft de slechte praktijken van het Spaanse Hooggerechtshof aan het licht gebracht. ⬇️
Zal de @Europarl_NL het verzoek om opheffing van de immuniteit tegen @KRLS@ClaraPonsati en @toni_comin aannemen? Nu de Belgische rechter heeft geoordeeld dat het Spaanse hooggerechtshof onbevoegd was om zelfs maar het Europees arrestatiebevel te sturen.