ANCBrussel·les🎗 Profile picture
L'Assemblea Nacional Catalana a Brussel·les. Working from Belgium to support and build the Catalan Republic
Sep 23, 2020 14 tweets 14 min read
1/13 On the morning of 23rd of September 2019, 9 people were arrested by the Spanish paramilitary Guardia Civil police, accused by the Spanish National High Court of intending to prepare violent action.
#AbsolucióDetingudes23S 2/13 They were accused of terrorism, rebellion and possession of explosives without any conclusive evidence at all.
Sep 15, 2020 5 tweets 6 min read
Is de strafwet van 1846 voor beledigen van het koninghuis grondwettelijk? Dank aan het uitleveringsprocess van de rapper @valtonyc weten wij binnenkort meer ervan.
#VrijeMeningsuiting #FreedomOfExpression La loi pénale de 1846 pour insulte à la Maison royale est-elle constitutionnelle ? Grâce au processus d’extradition du rappeur @valtonyc nous en saurons bientôt plus.
#Liberté d'expression #FreedomOfExpression
Aug 29, 2020 7 tweets 3 min read
Dani Gallardo, a young Andalusian antifascist, is spending his birthday in pre-trial prison without bail under false accusations of violence against the police.
#DaniLibertad His "real crime" was to participate in a protest demonstration against the Draconian sentences against the Catalan leaders in Madrid.
Aug 14, 2020 12 tweets 7 min read
1/12 As you may have read, Podemos is being formally accused of illegal funding and investigated by a judge in Spain. What is going on in Spain? ⬇️… 2/12 Also, many leaders of Podemos are publicly complaining about a campaign against them. Right-wing judges coordinated with a set of right-wing media to falsely accuse Podemos of corruption
Aug 13, 2020 4 tweets 3 min read
80 jaar geleden werd de Catalaanse President Lluís Companys gearresteerd door de Gestapo. Hij werd uitgeleverd aan Spanje, waar hij werd gemarteld en vermoord. Spanje beschouwde President Companys tot 2018 wettelijk als een crimineel.
De moord op Companys is niet alleen de geschiedenis. In 2017 bedreigde de voorzitter van de meest gekozen politieke partij in Spanje @populares @pablocasado_ @KRLS door te zeggen dat hij net als Lluis Companys "zou kunnen eindigen". Image
Aug 11, 2020 10 tweets 7 min read
📢De impact van de beslissing van het Belgische Hof over de situatie van @LluisPuigGordi heeft verstrekkende gevolgen waarvan u misschien niet op de hoogte bent. Deze beslissing heeft de slechte praktijken van het Spaanse Hooggerechtshof aan het licht gebracht. ⬇️ Zal de @Europarl_NL het verzoek om opheffing van de immuniteit tegen @KRLS @ClaraPonsati en @toni_comin aannemen? Nu de Belgische rechter heeft geoordeeld dat het Spaanse hooggerechtshof onbevoegd was om zelfs maar het Europees arrestatiebevel te sturen.
Jun 23, 2020 6 tweets 4 min read
Today we are supporting our legitimate Minister of Culture in exile @LluisPuigGordi. #Lawfare is not the solution for the Catalan question. Amnesty for all political prisoners and exiles.
#StandUpForCatalonia 7 of August next appointment. Spanish: #StandUpForCatalonia
Jun 16, 2020 7 tweets 4 min read
The CIA discloses 25 years later a report on the creation of a terrorist group (GAL) by former Prime Minister of Spain Felipe González and his cabinet (PSOE) with the support of the army to fight Basque terrorism by ETA #GAL #ThisIsTheRealSpain Half of its victims had no connection to ETA whatsoever. For years it was a well-known secret that Mr. X, aka the main responsible of this State terrorism operation, was Felipe González #GAL #ThisIsTheRealSpain
May 16, 2020 6 tweets 5 min read
On 14.10.2019 the sentences against the Catalan political and social leaders were published. This generated a wave of protests in Catalonia and also in towns of Spain, like Madrid.
#DaniLibertad 2/6
Dani is a young man from Cadiz who participated in a solidary protest on the 14 Oct. in Madrid. He was arrested by the police and has been held in pretrial prison without bail ever since.
May 1, 2020 4 tweets 3 min read
Atenció. Segons l’oficina europea contra el frau, eurodiputats d’@iunida Izquierda Unida van desviar fons del Parlament Europeu cap al seu partit… @ClaraPonsati @KRLS @toni_comin @DianaRibaGiner Aquí el comunicat de l’Agència europea de lluita contra el frau @OLAFPress
Mar 18, 2020 8 tweets 8 min read
Madrid accumulates stocks of sanitary material + imposes catastrophic directives that lead to a massive spread of the virus. Incompetent officials are praised + the direction of the crisis is in the hands of the military not epidemiologists.… Anything to avoid that Catalonia or other communities manage themselves than the under metropol's orders. Madrid's aim is not to save lives + content the virus, but recentralice power and liquidate the autonomies before the scenario of bankruptcy + monarchy crisis #coronavirus
Mar 14, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
Hello @vonderleyen . Could you please tell @sanchezcastejon to close Madrid once and for all? And let the Catalan government @govern act to protect citizens? @vonderleyen
Mar 8, 2020 6 tweets 4 min read
Força lluitadora a dones i homes el dia internacional de la vaga feminista! La participació política de les dones és imprescindible per fer una transició cap a un món més just i solidari. ✊
Gràcies @paco_santero per aquest gran retrat d'Angela Davis!
#WomensDay2020 Image Reivindiquem les nostres dones lluitadores injustament empresonades ✊

#WomensDay2020 Image
Feb 24, 2020 7 tweets 12 min read
🚨Dinar groc 2020!🚨
Obert a tothom!
Enguany dedicat a les dones preses, exiliades i represaliades
📆 diumenge 22 de març
⏰a les 12 del migdia
💶 35 euros
📍 Le Cercle, rue Doyen Boone 6 Deken Boonestraat, 1040 BXL/BRU
#DinarGrocDones 🚨Dinar groc 2020!🚨
Solidarity lunch devoted to the Catalan women who suffer reprisals due to the self-determination referendum
📆Sunday 22 March
⏰12 pm
💶35 euros
📍Le Cercle, rue Doyen Boone 6 Deken Boonestraat, 1040 BXL/BRU
Jan 14, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
Recordeu que avui també podeu seguir la sessió Plenària del Parlament Europeu per webstream . Hi ha anunciades intervencions del president @KRLS i @toni_comin… El president @KRLS intervé tot seguit!
Jan 6, 2020 4 tweets 4 min read
The @Europarl_EN @Europarl_CAT recognises Carles Puigdemont @KRLS , Oriol @junqueras and @toni_comin as MEPs - following the ruling of the @EUCourtPress - with effect from 2 July 2019. Image Spain does not comply with the ruling of the @EUCourtPress on @junqueras , nor with his recognition as MEP by the @Europarl_CAT @Europarl_EN
Jan 3, 2020 6 tweets 7 min read
1/5 When separation of powers is not granted, politics is not trustworthy any more. Oriol Junqueras is illegally in prison at least since the sentence of the UE Court of Justice on 19th December, which confirmed his immunity as MEP. #StandUpForCatalonia 2/5 Today in the morning, his party ERC signed an agreement in favour of the vote of confidence of Pedro Sánchez in the weekend, so that he can make a government. #StandUpForCatalonia
Jul 22, 2019 9 tweets 2 min read
1/8 Des de l’ANC Bru ens agradaria donar als diputats dels partits independentistes al congrés, @Esquerra_ERC i @JuntsXCat, la nostra perspectiva internacional de què suposarà a les institucions internacionals investir Pedro Sánchez president. 2/8 Ara, tal com va dir no fa gaire el periodista Jean @quatremer, Catalunya és un tema tabú. Els polítics dels grans partits europeus responen a preguntes sobre Catalunya amb les consignes “Espanya és un estat de dret”, “la llei s’ha de complir” i “és un afer intern”.