- Health Sector Emergency Response Plan 7th Feb [HSERP]: health.gov.au/sites/default/…
- 26 Feb WHO report 27: more new cases outside China than inside;
- PM enacts HSERP 27th Feb (Feb 26 we had 23 cases)
- TL/DR version: theconversation.com/its-now-a-matt…
#auspol #covid19aus
p12-13: 1/2/3 scenarios = clinical impact low/moderate/high. QUESTION: has Morrison been asked which Scenario in play on adoption, which applies now?
#auspol #covid19aus
Observation: the whole thing reads like AHPPC was expecting a very nasty outbreak of the flu.
#auspol #covid19aus
The Feds need to find the guts to say we underestimated & change the plan. #covid19aus #covid19australia #auspol