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I found all these by googling & following leads to links using the following search terms:
New York City health department
New York City coronavirus
Search Twitter for your city council members, but esp. follow:
Chair of New York City Council health committee.
Representing District 7, Uptown Manhattan (Washington Heights, West Harlem, UWS).
En español y בעברית.
So much more you can find by searching various social media with logical search terms. On Twitter you just may get a response from various departments/individuals [more likely their assistants] to queries
Good luck! Hope this helps people find what they need.
Best wishes
States I've lived in/have family & friends in
NM, CO, S. CA; AZ; N. CA San Jose, Santa Clara, Fam also in Monterrey, SF, Sacramento; WA Seattle,
Iowa City & Des Moines; NY [20 yrs]; Madison WI [9 yrs]
The thread all in one place [posted wrong url before]
Unemployment rate, GDP, and stock market are the most common measures of economic growth/decline. Included here are 3 screenshots: The UE rates, the GDP, and Dow Jones including Dec. 2020 to now. Jan. 2021 includes the last 3 weeks of the trump presidency.
1. Unemployment Rate. During trump's final year in office the UE rate went as high as 14.8% in April, ending at 6.7% in Dec. 2020. Since then, it has steadily dropped. UE 10/21 was (4.3%). (Stats from Bureau of Labor).
@MarcScottEmery This is so stupid. There is absolutely nothing morally or philosophically exalting about refusing to do what needs to be done to protect OTHERS from having to do the death march of COVID. Your pride is absurd. Perhaps the death of someone you love will wake you up to reality.
@MarcScottEmery QUESTION: if you'd lived in London during the Blitzkreig, wd you resist the demand to maintain blacked out windows at night to prevent German bombers fm identifying the best spots to drop their bombs, flatten your home and kill your children/parents/grandparents/loved ones?➡️...
@MarcScottEmery I mean, that wd put a real damper on your nightly fun, wdn't it...poor things. So enslaved to your "freedom"--that is, the freedom to be an absolutely selfish idiot.
The flip side to freedom is responsibility. You seem to think being a responsible citizen = being a slave.
@nudog71 Ca we have a different choice? I don't much like football, don't follow it & couldn't care less who wins it. I watch one football game a year, the Rose Bowl, a tradition made long ago when I lived in CA, then changed when I went to grad school in IA.
@nudog71 Way back then it was just PAC-10 & Big 10, but the leagues have expanded. In CA I rooted for PAC-10, which back then was only ever USC or UCLA. Occasionally Berkeley. When I went to IA I rooted for the Iowa team, or if they weren't in it, whatever Big 10 team was playing.
@nudog71 Then both leagues were expanded & my interest abated a lot. Right now I have no idea which teams are playing or even whether that's been worked out yet.
If trump will be humiliated with a "perp walk" in handcuffs, I will watch it But that's not likely. ➡️
I've no doubt OrangeMan is getting "consideration" from Putin for continuing to create chaos in this country. Between COVID & the election [I mean, really: FIVE MILLION VOTE SPREAD...GEEZZUZ!!] & other "tricks in the bag" he keeps pulling out I'm sure #Putin is delerious w/joy.➡️
@realDonaldTrump your charges on voter fraud have proven to be GROUNDLESS. By creating deeper & stronger anger within already divisive groups & issues, once again, you do traitorous disservice to this country.
It's time to move on You know this will NOT work in your favor.➡️
For once, #DoTheRightThing MrTrump. Your reputation in this country and around the world has reached a nadir & sinks further down every time you tweet or speak on these issues. The more problems you cause the longer your prison sentences for all your illegal BS will be.
@RiskyLiberal Nah, it was far more complex than that.
1] Involved conservative "think tanks" strategizing taking over down ballot offices w/re-districting w/each census so that despite a state being majority D, state leg. & congressional districts controlled by R's; "owning" school boards...
@RiskyLiberal ...and so much more "small time" thinking that, in aggregate=major power;
2] D's &progressives wrapped up in presidential elections thinking that all they had to do was get the right president w/the correct ideology, leaving practical politicking & long term strategizing to R's.
@RiskyLiberal R's capitalized on fact that lefties &even center lefties [formerly known as liberal R's] thinking conservatives, r-wingers were just too dumb bc most presented "born again" ideology & so couldn't be logical/smart, & the "little" offices were too little for D's to "waste" time w/
@TurgesonFerd@HeidiNBC Where did I claim to be a medical Dr? I have clearly stated PhD in my bio. That DOES entitle me to be called Dr as long as I do not claim to be a medical Dr. Which I never have.
You clearly presume to have medical knowledge. My knowledge comes fm 30 years of living...
@TurgesonFerd@HeidiNBC ...w/an autoimmune disorder, which, as someone who reaches for a book any time I have a problem, means going to bookstores & libraries [including medical libraries] & now reads medical articles online. Indeed, as I was waiting FOUR MONTHS for my rheumatologist...
@TurgesonFerd@HeidiNBC finally give me a diagnosis, I read everything I cd find on lupus. And that was before you could access libraries online.
It was obvious fm preliminary tests that I had an autoimmune disorder. Lupus was the autoimmune dx I most feared as I had TWO friends who died fm it.