Repeating again that install the application mentioned in Quoted Tweet or install Astrosage or install any other application in your mobile phone that allows you to generate birth chart after entering birth details.
Also request you to go through 2nd image of Quoted Tweet and see the table carefully. It tells position of Grahas in a Rashi. It tells at how much degree, and in which Nakshatra and :ada (Quarter), a particular Graha was transiting at birth time.
The belt on which 12 Rashis are considered is divided into 27 smaller divisions, each division containing a constellation (or Nakshatra/नक्षत्र), & is known by the name of most prominent Star in it or just around it.
Lesson 1.2
So, the Zodiac belt is divided into 27 Nakshatras. Dividing 360° by 27, we get 13°20' (13 degrees & 20 minutes). So, every Nakshatra is 13°20' wide. Consider Nakshatras as a fixed background and Grahas keep moving (transiting) in foreground.
Lesson 1.3
There are different literal meanings of Nakshatra. One meaning states One the remains fixed, second meaning implies Sky Map, third meaning infers one that cannot decay and the fourth meaning conveys as Star Map. You should know all of these to understand them.
Lesson 1.4
Each Nakshatra is further divided into 4 Equal Quarters (चरण/पद). As I told, 1 nakshatra is 13°20' wide, diving it by 4, we get 3°20' (3 degree & 20 minutes).
Each Quarter (चरण/पद) is known by a Swara (sound). When a native is born, in whichever Quarter the Moon transits, the Swara of that Quarter decides initial on which we keep name of child on Naamakaran Sanskar. I will explain it later.
Screenshot from Drikpanchang.
Lesson 1.6
As I told, above, 1 Rashi = 30°
1 Nakshatra = 13°20'
1 Quarter (चरण/पद) = 3°20'
This translates to:
1 Rashi = 9 Padas,
1 Rashi = 2¼ Nakshatras (you will understand) how fraction is dealt).
Now, we will learn Nakshatras and their Lords (स्वामी). Recite them by heart.
Lesson 1.7
Some Math.
1 Nakshatra is 13°20', so 2 Nakshatras = 2 x 13°20' = 26°40'
Now remaining ¼ Nakshatra means 1 Quarter (¼th Part) of Nakshatra = 3°20'
Adding, 26°40' + 3°20' = 29°60'
1 degree (1°) = 60 minutes (60').
So 29°60' becomes 30°0', or simply 30° = 1 Rashi.
Lesson 1.8
Nakshatra and Rashis, both begin from same point. The beginning of the first Nakshatra, or constellation of Ashwini, the first Nakshatra, is same as that of the first Rashi Aries (मेष). Each sign contains the combined influence of the Nakshatras falling within it.
In next some days, we will keep learning names of all 27 Nakshatras (daily 6), their Lords and the Rashis in which they expand. Take out copy, make diagram according to your ease and remember everything that I teach related to each Nakshatra. Copy-pen are a must, I repeat.
Lesson 1.9
Now we will learn names of 6 Nakshatras daily. You have to remember their serial number, Name and Lord. Recite them 3-4 times a day, repeat previous ones too. Write in copy if need be.
Request you save the following image in your devices.
As I told in lesson 1.8, Nakshatra and Rashi, both start at same point. Refer to image in Lesson 1.9.
You can see that Rashi No. 1 in Aries (मेष) contains entire Ashwini (4 quarters), entire Bharani (4 quarters) and 1 Quarter (चरण/पद) of Krittika.
Lesson 1.11
4 quarters of Ashwini+4 quarters of Bharani+1 quater of Krittika = 9 Padas form Aries Rashi.
Now Rashi No. 2 Taurus (वृष) will start from 2nd Qtr (चरण) of Krittika Nakshatra, will include its 3 Qtrs, then entire (4 qtrs) of Rohini Nakshatra & 2 quarters of Mrigshira
Lesson 1.12
3 qtrs of Krittika + 4 qtrs of Rohini + 2 qtrs of Mrigshira Nakshatra = 9 Padas for Taurus.
So, in first 2 Rashis, I introduced you to 5 Nakshatras. Next 2 lessons will contain their details. Remember serial number of every Nakshatra!
Lesson 1.13
1. Ashwini (अश्विनी)
Lord: Ketu (केतु)
2. Bharani (भरणी)
Lord: Venus (शुक्र)
3: Krittika (कृत्तिका)
Lord: Sun (सूर्य)
4, Rohini (रोहिणी)
Lord: Moon (चन्द्र)
5. Mrigshira (मृगशिरा)
Lord: Mars (मंगल)
Lesson 1 is not finished, will take other lessons simultaneously
Lesson 1 is not finished yet, it is only 50% over. So, leave equal space in your notebook. I will start other lessons simultaneously so that you are not stuck at one thing for 5 days.
Memorize, recite, learn, write Serial number, names and Lords of all Nakshatras daily.
Lesson 2.1
Exaltation/Debilitation of Grahas (ग्रहों का उच्च/ नीच होना)
Graha, if placed in a certain Rashi, are believed to have power in giving good results. It is said to be Exalted in that Rashi (उस राशि में वह उच्च का कहा जाता है). It is called Exaltation.
Lesson 2.2
Consider a person born in a rich family of Agra. In his home, he gets all type of facilities. He becomes a Judge in Delhi. So, in Delhi, he would enjoy facilities as well as power/authority. Thus, he would fare better in Delhi than Agra. This is Exaltation.
Lesson 2.3
Remember image to know Exaltaion Signs (उच्च राशि) of all Grahas.
Some consider Rahu exalted in Taurus, some in Gemini. Same way, people differ on exaltation Sign of Ketu. So they appear twice in image. Make your opinion upon studying more, but use only 1 Sign.
Lesson 2.4
Sun, being the King among Grahas, gets first Sign Aries for exaltation. So, Sun is written in House where number 1 is written. It need not be in FIRST Bhava, it can be in any House.
Sun is best exalted (परम उच्च) at 10° in Aries. Read Next tweet.
Lesson 2.4 in Hindi
ग्रहों में राजा होने के कारण सूर्य प्रथम राशि (मेष) में उच्च माने जाते हैं।
सूर्य को उस भाव में देख सकते है जहाँ संख्या 1 लिखी हुई है। आवश्यक नहीं है कि यह प्रथम भाव में ही हो, किसी भी भाव में हो सकता है।
मेष राशि में 10 डिग्री पर सूर्य परम उच्च हो जाते हैं
Lesson 2.5
Open any chart. If Sun is present in chart where Number 1 is written (it can be in any Bhava), then Sun is exalted in any chart.
Moon, considered Queen among Grahas, gets exalted in 2nd Rashi Taurus (वृष). Moon is most exalted (परमोच्च) at 3° of Taurus.
Lesson 2.6
Astrologers have divided opinion on Exaltation Sign on Rahu and Ketu. First, let's discuss Rahu.
Some are of opinion that Rahu is Exalted in Taurus (वृष) while others opine that Rahu gets Exalted in Gemini (मिथुन), the next Rashi. Image shows both opinions.
Lesson 2.7
Jupiter gets Exaltation in Cancer (कर्क) Rashi, & is most exalted at 5° of Kark Rashi.
Cancer is Rashi of Jupiter's Friend Moon.
बृहस्पति कर्क राशि में उच्च के माने जाते हैं, और कर्क राशि में 5 डिग्री पर वे परमोच्च हो जाते हैं.
कर्क गुरु के मित्र चंद्र की राशि है
Lesson 2.8
Mercury (Budh) is only Graha which gets exalted in its own Sign. Mercury is Exalted from 0-15° of Virgo (कन्या) Rashi, most exalted at 15° Virgo.
बुध एकमात्र ग्रह है जो अपनी ही राशि में उच्च हो जाता है. ये कन्या राशि में 0 से 15° तक उच्च माना जाता है. 15° पर परमोच्च.
Lesson 2.9
Saturn gets Exalted in Libra (तुला) Sign, and most Exalted at 20° of Libra Rashi.
शनि तुला राशि में उच्च के माने जाते हैं, और तुला के 20° पर परमोच्च।
If Saturn in your Kundali is place in any House ccontaining number 7, it is Exalted.
Lesson 2.10
Now, astrologers are divided in their opinion on Exaltation Rashi of Ketu. Some treat Scorpio (वृश्चिक) while others treat Sagittarius (धनु) as Exaltation Rashi of Ketu. You can decide any based upon your future learning.
Lesson 2.11
Mars (मंगल) gets Exalted in Capricorn (मकर) Rashi, most exalted at 28° of Capricorn Rashi.
मंगल मकर राशि में उच्च के माने जाते हैं, और 28° मकर पर वे परमोच्च हो जाते हैं.
Presently, Mars is transiting in Capricorn only. वर्तमान में मंगल का गोचर मकर राशि में ही है.
Lesson 2.12
Just like Abhimanyu is remembered for exemplary bravery he exhibited against several Maharathis of Kaurava side in Chakravyuh, Venus also gets exaltation in his arch rival Jupiter's Rashi Pisces (Meen). Venus is most exalted (Param Ucch) at 27° of Pisces Rashi.
Lesson 2.12 in Hindi
जैसे अभिमन्यु को चक्रव्यूह में शत्रु पक्ष के कई महारथियों के समक्ष दिखाई गई वीरता के लिए याद किया जाता है, वैसे ही शुक्र भी अपने चिर प्रतिद्वंदी बृहस्पति की राशि मीन में उच्च के होते हैं. मीन राशि के 27° पर बृहस्पति परमोच्च माने जाते हैं.
Lesson 2.13
Now let's learn Debilitation of Grahas (ग्रहों का नीच होना).
In whichever Rashi a Graha is Exalted, it gets Debilitated in 7th Rashi from it, on the same degree. Debilitation Rashi is opposite to Exaltation Rashi.
Start counting from Exaltation Rashi!
Lesson 2.13 in Hindi
जो ग्रह जहाँ उच्च होता है, वहां से सातवीं (सप्तम) राशि में, जो ठीक उलटे भाग में पड़ती है, वह नीच का हो जाता है, उसी डिग्री पर.
गिनती उस राशि से शुरू करें जहाँ ग्रह उच्च का होता है.
Draw images of Lesson 2.4 and 2.13 of this thread side by side, and follow upcoming some lessons.
Lesson 2.4 और 2.13 की फोटो बाएं और दांये अपनी कॉपी में बनायें और आने वाले कुछ अध्याय समझें।
Lesson 2.14
In Lesson 2.3, 2. 4, we learnt Sun is exalted in Aries, most exalted (परम उच्च) at 10°.
Count 7th Rashi from Aries(मेष) - it is Libra (तुला).
So, Sun is debilitated in Libra (Rashi No. 7), most debilitated (परम नीच) at 10°.
Remember: 7th Rashi, same degree.
Lesson 2.14 in Hindi
Lesson 2.3 और 2.4 में हमने पढ़ा था कि सूर्य मेष राशि (राशि नंबर 1)में उच्च होते हैं, और मेष के 10 डिग्री पर परमोच्च.
मेष से सातवीं राशि होती है तुला.
अतः, नियमानुसार, सूर्य तुला राशि (राशि नंबर 7) में नीच के हो जाते हैं, परम नीच तुला की 10° पर ही.
Lesson 2.15
Refer to Lesson 2.9, Saturn (शनि) is exalted in Libra (Rashi No. 7). Most Exalted at 20° Libra.
7th Rashi from Libra (तुला) is Aries (मेष) which is Rashi No. 1.
So, Saturn becomes Debilitated (नीच) in Aries, most debilitated (परम नीच) at 20° Aries Rashi.
Lesson 2.16
Sun exalted in Aries where Saturn is Debilitated and Sun debilitated in Libra where Saturn is Exalted gives a msg.
Sun signifies light, Saturn is darkness. Sun is best in Aries, so Saturn is Debilitated. & when Sun becomes weakest in Libra, Saturn becomes Exalted.
Lesson 2.17
Moon is debilitated in Scorpio, 7th Rashi from Taurus. At 3° Scorpio, it gets most debilitated.
चन्द्र वृश्चिक राशि में नीच के हो जाते हैं, जो कि वृष राशि से सातवीं राशि होती है, और वृश्चिक राशि मेें 3° पर चन्द्र परम नीच के हो जाते हैं।
Why 3°? Read Lesson 2.5
Lesson 2.18
Astrologers have divided opinion over debilitated Rashi of Ketu. Some consider Taurus, some consider Gemini.
ज्योतिषियों में केतु के नीच होने वाली राशि को लेकर मतभेद हैं. कुछ विद्वान वृष को केतु के नीच होने की राशि मानते हैं, कुछ विद्वान मिथुन राशि को.
Lesson 2.19
Mars (मंगल) gets debilitated (नीच) in Cancer (कर्क राशि), most debilitated (परम नीच) at 28° Cancer (कर्क).
Venus (शुक्र) gets debilitated in Virgo (कन्या) Rashi, most debilitated (परम नीच) at 27° in Virgo.
Just count 7 from their Exaltation Rashis.
Lesson 2.20
Astrologers are again divided opinion over Debilitation Rashi of Rahu. Some consider Scorpio, some consider Sagittarius.
पुनः ज्योतिषियों में राहु के नीच होने वाली राशि को लेकर मतभेद हैं. कुछ विद्वान वृश्चिक को राहु के नीच होने की राशि मानते हैं, कुछ विद्वान धनु को.
Lesson 2.21
Jupiter gets Debilitation in Capricorn Rashi, & is most debilitated at 5° of Capricorn Rashi.
बृहस्पति मकर राशि में नीच के माने जाते हैं, और मकर राशि में 5 डिग्री पर वे परम नीच हो जाते हैं.
Jupiter is transiting in its Debilitation Rashi Capricorn till 30 June.
Lesson 2.22
Mercury (Budh) gets debilitated in Pisces (मीन) Rashi. Mercury is most debilitated at 15° Pisces.
बुध ग्रह मीन राशि में नीच के हो जाते हैं, और 15° मीन पर वे परम नीच माने जाते हैं.
Presently, Mercury is transiting in Pisces.
वर्तमान में बुध का गोचर मीन राशि में है.
Generate Kundali of today from any app.
You will see that Rahu-Ketu and Mars are transiting in Exaltation Rashis. Jupiter + Mercury are transiting their debilitation Rashis.
आज की कुंडली बनाइये.
आप देखेंगे राहु-केतु और मंगल उच्च हैं तथा बुध और बृहस्पति नीच अवस्था में हैं.
Lesson 1.14
Note Lesson number carefully. This is continuation of Nakshatras.
Now we will come to Rashi No. 3 Gemini (मिथुन). See image. It contains 2 remaining quarters of Mrigshira Nakshatra + all 4 quarters of Ardra Nakshatra + 3 quarters of Punarvasu, so total 9 quarters.
Lesson 1.15
Now Rashi No. 4 Cancer (कर्क) Rashi. It consists of remaining 1 quarter of Punarvasu (पुनर्वसु) Nakshatra + all 4 quarters of Pushya (पुष्य) Nakshatra + all 4 quarters of Ashlesha (अश्लेषा) Nakshatra. So total 9 Quarters complete Kark Rashi.
Lesson 1.16
6. Ardra (आर्द्रा)
Lord: Rahu (राहु)
7. Punarvasu (पुनर्वसु)
Lord: Jupiter (बृहस्पति)
8: Pushya (पुष्य)
Lord: Saturn (शनि)
9. Ashlesha (अश्लेषा)
Lord: Mercury (बुध)
Remember these (Serial no.+Lord) along with 5 Nakshatras you learnt before. Total 9 Nakshatras.
Lesson 1.17
Rashi No. 5 Leo (सिंह) Rashi consists of entire Magha (मघा) Nakshatra + entire Poorvaphalguni (पूर्वाफाल्गुनी) Nakshatra + 1 Quarter of Uttaraphalguni (उत्तराफाल्गुनी) Nakshatra, thus completing its 9 Quarters.
Lesson 1.18
Rashi No. 6 Virgo (कन्या) consists of remaining 3 Quarters of Uttaraphalguni (उत्तराफाल्गुनी) Nakshatra + 4 Quarters of Hasta (हस्त) Nakshatra + 2 quarters of Chitra (चित्रा) Nakshatra.
Thus, 9 quarters of Virgo (कन्या) Rashi are also completed.
Lesson 1.19
7th Rashi Libra (तुला) contains remaining 2 quarters of Chitra (चित्रा) Nakshatra + entire Swati (स्वाति) Nakshatra + 3 quarters of Vishakha (विशाखा) Nakshatra. Thus, 2+4+3 make it 9 quarters in this Rashi.
8: Uttaraphalguni (उत्तराफाल्गुनी)
Lord: Sun (सूर्य)
9. Hasta
Lord: Moon (चन्द्र)
10. Chitra (चित्रा)
Lord: Mars (मंगल)
11. Swati
Lord: Rahu
12. Vishakha
Lord: Jupiter (बृहस्पति)
Remember above named careful with their Swamis.Also, take a short break and read the entire thread in quoted tweet for Swati Nakshatra. Now that you know the meaning of Exalted, you will understand the story better.
Quality of results of Grahas positioned in Mool Trikon is believed to be inferior to Exalted Grahas.
Moll Trikon can be understood in this way. You have 2 houses. You prefer living in one, that too in its selected portion.
Lesson 3.2
Because Sun (सूर्य) is Lord of Leo (सिंह), Sun in Leo should be Own Sign (स्वक्षेत्री). But from 1° to 20° of Leo, Sun has Mool Trikon (मूल त्रिकोण), and from 21°-30° of Leo, Sun is considered स्वक्षेत्री i.e. to be in Own Sign.
Lesson 3.3
Mars (मंगल) is Lord of Two Rashis: Aries (मेष) and Scorpio (वृश्चिक).
But Mars (मंगल) is considered Mool Trikon only till 18° of Aries (मेष), and after it till 30°, Mars is considered स्वक्षेत्री i.e. to be in Own Sign.
Scorpio is not Mool Trikon Rashi of Mars.
Lesson 3.4
Mercury (बुध) has a specialty. It is Exalted (उच्च), Mool Trikon and Own Sign in a Single Rashi - Virgo (कन्या).
As told, Mercury is exalted upto 15° of Virgo. From 16° to 20° of Virgo, it is Mool Trikon.
From 21° to 30° of Virgo, Mercury is Own Sign.
Lesson 3.5
Jupiter (बृहस्पति) is Lord of Two Rashis: Sagittarius (धनु) and Pisces (मीन).
But Jupiter is considered Mool Trikon only till 13° of Sagittarius (धनु), and after it till 30°, Jupiter is स्वक्षेत्री i.e. to be in Own Sign.
Pisces is not Mool Trikon Rashi of Guru.
Lesson 3.6
Similarly, although Venus is the Lord of Taurus (वृष) as well as Libra (तुला), its Mool Trikon is considered only till 10° of Libra (तुला), and thereafter, it is Own Sign (स्वक्षेत्री).
Venus is not considered to be in Mool Trikon in Taurus Rashi.
Lesson 3.7
Moon (चंद्र) is considered Exalted (उच्च) upto 3° in Taurus वृष), and thereafter till 30°, it is स्वक्षेत्री. It is important to mention that Taurus is not the Rashi under Moon's Lordship (स्वामित्व), but still Taurus is considered to be Moon's Own Sign.
Lesson 3.8
A group of Astrologers are of the opinion that Moon should be considered Mool Trikon as well as Own Sign in Cancer because Moon being the Lord of Cancer.
Now let us see Mool Trikon and Own Sign (स्वक्षेत्री) views on Rahu and Ketu.
Lesson 3.9
Let's see Saturn (शनि) first. Saturn is the Lord of Capricorn (मकर) and Aquarius (कुम्भ). But Saturn is considered to have Mool Trikon effect only till 20° of Aquarius (कुम्भ), and thereafter Saturn is considered to be Own Sign (स्वक्षेत्री).
Lesson 3.10
One opinion considers Rahu Exalted in Taurus, Own Sign in Aries and Mool Trikon in Cancer. This opinion also considers Ketu to be Exalted in Scorpio, Own Sign in Libra and Mool Trikon in Capricorn.
There is no mention of degree in any standard text.
Lesson 3.11
Another opinion considers Rahu to be exalted in Gemini and Own Sign in Virgo, and Ketu to be exalted in Sagittarius and Own Sign in Pisces.
You are free to believe any opinion in totality, and make opinion on your experiences.
Lesson 3.12
It is believed that an Exalted Graha gives results of maximum intensity, and a Graha in its Mool Trikon has lesser intensity of results, and a Graha in Own Sign has least intensity among them to give results.
In Lesson 1.20, treat the numbering as
10. Magha
Lord: Ketu
11. Poorvaphalguni (पूर्वाफाल्गुनी)
Lord: Venus
12. Uttaraphalguni (उत्तराफाल्गुनी)
Lord: Sun
13. Hasta
Lord: Moon
14. Chitra (चित्रा)
Lord: Mars
15. Swati
Lord: Rahu
16. Vishakha
Lord: Jupiter
Lesson 1.21
Note Chapter number carefully.
8th Rashi Scorpio (वृश्चिक) contains remaining 1 quarter of Vishakha (विशाखा) Nakshatra + entire Anuradha (अनुराधा) Nakshatra + entire Jyeshtha (ज्येष्ठा) . Thus, 1+4+4 quarters make it 9 quarters in Vrischik Rashi.
Lesson 1.22
9th Rashi Sagittarius (धनु) contains entire Mool (मूल) Nakshatra + entire Poorvashadha (पूर्वाषाढ़) Nakshatra + 1 quarter of Uttarashadha (उत्तराषाढ़) Nakshatra. Thus, 4+4+1 quarters make it 9 quarters in Sagittarius Sign.
Lesson 1.23
Capricorn (मकर), the 10th Rashi, contains remaining 3 quarters of Uttarashadha (उत्तराषाढ़) Nakshatra + entire Shravan (श्रवण) Nakshatra (4 qtrs of it) + 2 quarters of Dhanishtha (धनिष्ठा) Nakshatra. Thus, 3+4+2 quarters make it 9 quarters in Capricorn Sign.
17. Anuradha (अनुराधा)
Lord: Saturn
18. Jyestha (ज्येष्ठा)
Lord: Mercury
19. Mool (मूल)
Lord: Ketu
20. Poorvashadha (पूर्वाषाढ़)
Lord: Venus
21. Uttarashadha (उत्तराषाढ़)
Lord: Sun
22. Shravan (श्रवण)
Lord: Moon
23. Dhanishtha (धनिष्ठा)
Lord: Mars
Lesson 4.1
Now we will learn about Dashas (दशा) i.e. Periods. These periods are of Navagrahas. There are many kinds of Dasha systems, but we will only read Vimshottari Dasha system. Vimshottari means 120. This system assumes maximum human life to be of 120 years.
Lesson 4.2
120 is total of periods of all 9 Grahas used in Jyotish. Their order + duration was told in 1st thread, but repeating in image below.
Period of each Graha is called its Mahadasha (महादशा). We can say Mahadasha of Moon (चन्द्र) is of 10 years, as can be seen in table.
Lesson 4.3
Mahadasha of each Graha is further subdivided into smaller AND unequal periods of each Graha. Such periods are called Antardasha or Bhukti. Each Antardasha is again further subdivided into maller AND unequal periods of each Graha called Pratyantar Dasha or Antara.
Lesson 4.1, 4.2 Hindi
अब हम दशाओं के बारे में पढ़ेंगे। वैसे तो कई दशा पद्धतियाँ हैं, पर हम विंशोत्तरी दशा पद्धति को पढ़ेंगे। विंशोत्तरी का अर्थ है 120. इस पद्धति में मानव की अधिकतम आयु 120 वर्ष मानी गयी है. इस अवधि को ग्रहों की महादशा में विभाजित किया गया है। क्रम चित्र में है।
Lesson 4.3 in Hindi
हर ग्रह की महादशा को 9 ग्रहों के स्वामित्व वाले छोटे,असमान भागों में विभाजित किया जाता है. प्रत्येक भाग को अन्तर्दशा/भुक्ति कहते हैं. भुक्ति को भी 9 ग्रहों के स्वामित्व वाले छोटे,असमान भागों में विभाजित किया जाता है, जिन्हें प्रत्यन्तर दशा/अन्तरा कहा जाता है.
Lesson 4.4
Now we will see when a person takes birth, Mahadasha of which Graha is operating upon him i.e. in which Mahadasha a person takes birth.
Find out Nakshatra in which Moon was transiting at the time of birth. The native is born under Mahadasha of Lord of that Nakshatra.
Lesson 4.4 in Hindi
अब हम देखेंगे कि जब एक व्यक्ति जन्म लेता है तो उस पर किस ग्रह की महादशा चल रही होती है, या यूं कहें की एक जातक का जन्म किस महादशा में होता है.
जन्म के समय चंद्र का गोचर जिस नक्षत्र में हो, उस नक्षत्र के स्वामी की महादशा उस पर जन्म से चलती है.
Example 4.1
Basic calculation to explain people who don't have strong Math.
One Nakshatra is 13°20' wide.
Since 1° = 60'
Hence 13° = 13 x 60' = 780'
And 13°20' = 780' + 20' = 800'
Now suppose at the time of birth, Moon is transiting in Swati Nakshatra, and its Lord is Rahu.
Example 4.1 contd.
So, every Nakshatra spans in 800'
So, Mahadasha at time of native's birth will be Rahu.
In the table of Lesson 4.2, I told that Mahadasha of Rahu is of 18 years.
Suppose, at the time of birth, Moon has already crossed 400' (i.e. 50% part of Nakshatra).
Example 4.1 contd.
Now if native were born at exactly same time when Moon entered Rahu's Nakshatra Swati, he would have faced entire 18 yrs of Rahu's Mahadasha.
Native was born when Moon had crossed 50% Nakshatra. So, he would face only 50% of Rahu's Mahadasha (9 years).
Example 4.2
I explained in Example 4.1 that a Nakshatra spans 800'
Now if a native was born when Moon was transiting in Shravan Nakshatra & it had traversed through 160' (20% of Nakshatra) when birth took place.
Shravan's Lord is Moon, so native would be born in Moon Mahadasha
Example 4.2 contd.
If native were born at the same time when Moon entered Sharavan Nakshatra, he would have faced full 10 years of Moon's Mahadasha (Lesson 4.2 table).
But he was born when Moon had cross 20% of Nakshatra, so 20% of 10 years i.e. 2 years would be reduced.
Example 4.2 contd.
So, by reducing 2 years from 10 years, we get 8 years, so native would face 8 years of Moon's Mahadasha after his birth.
Hence, you would see "Balance Dasha written as 8 y 0 months" in the application through which you generate birth chart.
Lesson 4.5
In Example 4.1, all the Antardasha and Pratyantardasha which come in first 9 years of Rahu's Mahadasha and in Example 4.2, all the Antardasha and Pratyantardasha which come in first 2 years of Moon's Mahadasha would have passed.
Native would face remaining.
Lesson 4.6
Since Moon has traveled through certain part of Nakshatra at birth, so in "balace Dasha remaining" you get a period lesser than Mahadasha of that Graha.
The next Mahadasha would be of Graha next to it in table of Lesson 4.2.
After Mercury, ketu's Mahadasha comes.
Lesson 1.24
11th Rashi Aquarius (कुम्भ) contains remaining 2 quarters of Dhanishtha (धनिष्ठा) Nakshatra + entire Shatbhisha (शतभिषा) Nakshatra (4 qtrs of it) + 3 quarters of Poorvabhadrapada (पूर्वाभाद्रपद) Nakshatra. Thus, 2+4+3 quarters make it 9 quarters in Aquarius Rashi.
Lesson 1.25
Final, that is 12th Rashi Pisces (मीन ) contains the remaining 1 Nakshatra of Poorvabhadrapada (पूर्वाभाद्रपद) Nakshatra + entire Uttarabhadrapada (उत्तराभाद्रपद) Nakshatra + entire Revati (रेवती) Nakshatra.
I again request to memorize Serial number, Name & Lord of every Nakshatra.
Lesson 1.26
By now, you must have understood that every Graha gets Lordship (स्वामित्व) of 3 Nakshatras.
Rahu, Ketu are not Lords of any Rashi but they both get Lordship of 3 Nakshatras each. So, some Jyotish schools believe Rahu-Ketu give results their Rashi & Nakshatra Lords.
Lesson 5.1
Gandanta (गण्डान्त) Points or Gandamool (गण्डमूल) Nakshatras.
Concentrate at STARTING of Aries, Leo and Sagittarius Rashi. You would observe that just before these points, Rashis AS WELL AS Nashatras end, and AFTER this point, New Rashis AS WELL AS Nashatras begin.
Lesson 5.2
You will observe that Nakshatras before common conjunction points are rules by Mercury, and Nakshatras AFTER those points are ruled by Ketu.
So, Nakshatras under Mercury and Ketu are called Gandamool Nakshatras, and the points of conjunction are Gandanta Points.
Lesson 5.3
These points are considered inauspicious. Children born under these Nakshatras are said to have Gandamool Dosha and Gandamool Pooja is conducted for them for Shanti of this Dosha.
My personal view is different. I do not consider it a Dosha, so, never recommend Pooja
Lesson 5.4
My point of view is simple. 6 Nakshatras are considered Gandamool Nakshatras, and Moon transits in every Nakshatra for about 1 day. So every month, Gandamool Nakshatras would cover 6 days. Many babies would be born across India in those 6 days given high birth rate.
Lesson 5.5
Every year, about 72 days fall under Gandamool Nakshatras, and about 50,000 babies are born per day in India. For 72 days, it becomes 36 lac babies a year.
Hence, wrong to claim Gandamool Dosha would cause misfortune to all. It is my point of view only.
Lesson 6.1
Dashas (दशा)
Any person is always under Mahadasha (महादशा) of any Graha which lasts for several years, and within this this period, person is under Antardasha (अन्तर्दशा/भुक्ति) of a Graha which can last from some months to about 2.5 years.
Lesson 6.2
Within Antardasha, person is under Pratyantar dasha (प्रत्यन्तर दशा /अन्तरा) of a Graha. The Grahas can be same or different.
Same as in Saturn's Mahadasha, Antar & Pratyantar Dasha (Sa-Sa-Sa).
Different as in Moon Mahadasha, Venus Bhukti & Sun's Antara. (Mo-Ve-Su).
Lesson 6.3
When a person starts Mahadasha of any Graha, the same Graha will be Lord of Antardasha (Bhukti) and Pratyantardasha (Antara). For example, at the start of Jupiter's Mahadahsa, the person will be under Jupiter-Jupiter-Jupiter (Dasha-Bhukti-Antara) period.
Lesson 6.4
First of all, Jupiter's Pratyantar Dasha (Antara) will end and the person will enter Antara of Graha next to Jupiter in this chart. So person will run in Jupiter-Jupiter-Saturn period, then in Jupiter-Jupiter-Mercury, then Jupiter-Jupiter-Ketu periods and so on.
Lesson 6.5
When the Antara (Pratyantar Dasha) of Rahu, Graha just before Jupiter in order ends), the person will have run in Pratyantars of all 9 Grahas. So, here Antardasha will change from Jupiter to Graha next to it in chart of Lesson 6.4. So Antardasha of Saturn will start.
Lesson 6.6
In Saturn's antardasha, first Pratyantar Dasha will be of Saturn only. So the person will be in Jupiter-Saturn-Saturn period, and then Bhuktis of Mercury, Ketu etc. will come (following the order). So, once all Bhuktis of all 9 grahas have ended, Mahadasha will change
Lesson 6.7
Using any software/app, you can find out when any Mahadasha/Antardasha/Pratyantardasha will end. Dates might differ in every app due to Ayanamsas. Larger the period, more can be difference, Shorter the dasha, lesser variation, but you can get approximate month/week.
Lesson 6.8
Dashas play a VERY important role in our lives. Any event (like marriage, child birth, study, foreign travel etc.) will not happen in Dasha of any Graha which denies occurrence of such event in person's life during Dasha of that/those Graha(s).
Read examples next.
Example 6.1
Mercury's Pratyantar Dasha in Jupiter's Mahadasha and Jupiter's Antardasha will be over 3.5 months long, and if in a native's chart, Mercury denies marriage, then in those 3. 5 months, marriage will not take place.
Example 6.1 continued.
If next Pratyantar Dasha of Ketu allows marriage, then it can take place, but if Ketu denies marriage to person, it will not happen no matter how much efforts are made.
If Mercury and Ketu both deny him foreign travel, person will not travel abroad too.
Example 6.2
Similarly, Saturn's Bhukti in Jupiter's Mahadasha is approx 2.5 yrs long and if Saturn denies promotion to a person, then his promotion will not take place in entire duration. If Saturn denies child birth too, then it will also not take place in this period.
Example 6.3
If a person starts Venus Mahadasha at the age of 26, it will continue till he is 46 years (period of 20 years), and if Venus denies marriage to that person, the person will remain unmarried in this duration, even if Venus gives him humongous success in profession.
Lesson 6.9
There are two small periods of Graha too, also called Sookshma Dasha (which lasts for a week) and Prana Dasha (lasts for 1-2 days). But in absence of birth time accurate to second, they should not be studied, so I did not mention them. But you should be aware of them.
Lesson 6.10
So, NO event whether good or bad, happens in your life unless ALL Dasha (MD,AD,PD,SD,PrD) lords agree to/permit the occurrence of it, apart from Promise and Transit which ignore for now. If any one Dasha Lord denies, event will not happen until its Dasha is over.
Lesson 6.11
Dasha Fixing
Events can only happen in Dashas strongly signifying event, so they have to be fixed.
For event which happens only once (like death), Mahadasha needs fixing.
For events which can happen 2-3 or 4-5 times (e.g. marriage/child birth), Bhukti needs fixing
Lesson 6.12
Do not think that marriage happens 2-3 times for everyone, but it is an event which can happen 2-3 times or even more unlike death, which can happen only once.
Child birth can also happen more than 2-3 times.
Bhukti for marriage should strongly connect to 7th House
That was all in this thread, we will now move to next (and most likely, final thread). Some people have been messaging me to read their charts, so I will have to stop at the next thread and take up their charts. You will have to continue thereform on your own.
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Please RT - others too will grasp its essence. 1/x
Below is the mantra in Italian script.
oṃ saha nāvavatu .
saha nau bhunaktu .
saha vīryaṃ karavāvahai .
tejasvi nāvadhītamastu mā vidviṣāvahai .
oṃ śāntiḥ śāntiḥ śāntiḥ ..
Youtube link for pronunciation. 2/x
Let's start with essence.
सह नाववतु
oṃ saha nāvavatu
It means, may He protect (suraksha/संरक्षण) both of us.
'Us' here can refer to different people in different circumstances. It can refer to Guru and Shishya, Jyotishi and the queriest, king and councillor etc. 3/x
If people misunderstand you and even your closer ones mock you for genuine intentions, then chant this Chaupai in morning, afternoon, evening and night (10 times each time).
मो सम दीन न दीन हित तुम्ह समान रघुबीर।
अस बिचारि रघुबंस मनि हरहु बिषम भव भीर॥
Read Next Tweet. Pls RT.
There is no fixed number of days for which it has to be done. Keep doing it daily and its potency will increase (slowly decreasing your problems). More you do, better!
It was penned by Goswami Tuksidas ji, wherein a dejected heart prays to Bhagwan Ram to remove all his sorrows.
It means (not exact translation): O Raghuveer, there is no helpless/dejected like me, and there is none like You who blesses helpless/dejected. After contemplating this, O Jewel of Ragu clan, please remove my grave sorrows.
Today Sun enters Capricorn Rashi which is ruled by his son Shani. That's why, Makar Sankranti is observed. Punya kaal starts from 2:43 PM IST.
Best wishes of Makar Sankranti, Pongal, Bihu and Khichdi festivals.
Same festival, different names across many parts of Bharat.
Although this festival is also celebrated Uttareni is also celebrated today, but astronomically speaking, Uttarayan no more coincides with Makar Sankranti. The northward journey of Sun already started from 22nd December when Sun was at Tropic of Capricorn.
This image will show you that Sun was at Tropic of Capricorn at about 10 PM on 21 December 2021 after which Sun starts its Northward journey. So, in present times, Uttarayan does not coincide with Makar Sankranti and takes place well before it, in December itself.
People are anxiously asking why are farm laws repealed/why has the govt. succumbed to protestors (reason as per astrology).
However odd it might seem, to me, astrologically, NaMo has made a sane call and probably saved India from fire. Reforms can wait.
I'll tell later today.
CAA and 370 are different from #FarmLaws. Through farmers' protest, some elements were slowly turning, or trying to turn, our own people against our govt.
Don't be quick in losing respect for a person who tackled Art. 370 and revived Ram Mandir (please don't credit courts for this). Wait to see implications.
Lynching at Lakhimpur Kheri or the horrific murder at farmer's protest site or other such outrageous acts do not surprise or disappoint me anymore. Since Republic Day, the onus is on Govt. of India to overthrow this bogus protest.
Doing it is not an insult to farmers. Simple.
Nothing is tough for government, specially when the protestors themselves have turned villain in due course of time. This govt. is weak on all bogus protests - it is a fact.
Western UP is like my 2nd home. I know how much support these protests enjoy on ground level, and what is the sentiment of common public against protestors. Walk on feet in areas of Western UP yourself.
A very important transit coming up today. Yes, Saturn goes Margi, but, more importantly, it forms a rare quarter-to-quarter Vedha with Rahu. Till 7 November 2021, Rahu in Krittika (4) and Saturn in Shravan (1) will directly have Vedha on each other.
Effects below.
Saturn will go direct today. After it becomes Margi, it will start putting 4th qtr of Krittika Nakshatra under its Drishti and since Rahu is transiting there, it will have a direct Vedha on it. Summary: Shravan and Krittika, both, are under impact of two natural malefics.
Rahu and Shani are indeed impacting each other's Nakshatras, but for about a month, they will impact Quarter (charan of Nakshatra) too. This yields more gravity to Vedha. If both give good results in your chart, you will get much needed relief from this long transit.