1.335 new confirmed cases (total: 23.097)
115 new fatalities (total: 2.511)
225 new hospitalisations (total: 8.197)
Map shows cases and hospitalisations per Dutch municipality.
#coronakaart #coronavirusNL #COVID19NL

#coronanederland #coronakaart #coronavirusNL

Biggest increase in Rotterdam (+16), 's-Gravenhage (+13) and Eindhoven (+7).
#coronkaart #coronavirusNL

Biggest increase in Amsterdam (+81), Rotterdam (+38) and 's-Gravenhage (+34).
#coronanederland #coronakaart #coronavirusNL

Most hospitalisations per 10,000 inhabitants: Peel en Maas, Boekel, Bernheze, Cranendonck, Gemert-Bakel and Uden.
#coronavirusNL #coronavirusNederland

Graph shows the fatalities due to #COVID19 in the last couple of days per different age group.
#coronavirusNL #COVID19NL