Easter is tough for me.
I was raised in Christianity, but I never believed in the resurrection.
The idea that there was one magical human in all of history who raised himself from the dead just didn’t pass muster.
Stay with me…
And resentful.
And angry.
How could you go peacefully if you knew the next stop was judgment on your entire life’s choices?
That your human flaws could be your damnation?
I started noticing magic in more and more of the ordinary moments I’d see each day.
And in these days of illness, anger, isolation, and death, I’m seeing it more than ever.
It’s in our despair in feeling that no matter how much we help others, we could be doing even more.
Any and every life.
Every day.
I’ve been thinking a lot more lately that the magic of the unseen that we can’t help but create might just be the divine I’ve been seeking.
Maybe we are creating heaven right here, every day.
Suddenly I don’t feel so lonely.
And if you don’t, Happy Every Day.
You’re building the divine with every loving brick you lay that stands unseen and unspoken.