-The DA to investigate the original accuser's claims found them so inconsistent and contradiction-laden, they dismissed them out of hand.
-Another man runs against that DA on a platform of 'getting Cosby'. He loses. But becomes judge in Cosby's trial!
No conflict of interest here!
His deposition - arguably the most damning evidence against him - was ILLEGALLY ENTERED INTO EVIDENCE ANYWAYS!
Prior to Dickinson's accusations? There were 2 accusers. Now there are 60.
Accuser 1: Investigated and found not to be credible by the previous D.A.
Accuser 2: Glommed on to accuser #1, and therefore must be regarded as suspect, given that the accusations were dismissed.
And Accuser 3: Addmitted to LYING ON THE WITNESS STAND!
WHAT political motive?
The Judge refused to remove that juror.