Beyond politics, recriminations, or soapboxing - I think it's now pretty clear that COVID-19 isn't going away soon. Certainly not without a plan that risks the lives of billions across the planet.
So it's time to think long-term.
Those people will start starving in a month.
We are approaching a time at which it will be in the corporate interest to NOT produce anything b/c the price the public can bear is not profitable.
If he wants to be a "Wartime President", he needs to treat this like wartime.
Financial crisis in the US widen the gap between us and the 1%. Those who HAVE $$ will buy distressed assets, further increasing the gap when the economy improves.
We're already unsustainable (#1), we need to reverse the trend.
The pandemic shows that healthcare is neither a luxury, nor a personal decision.
Poor healthcare puts ALL of us at risk.
We need a system that will ENCOURAGE people to seek diagnosis and to go to medical professionals FIRST instead of as a last resort.
The top 3% pay the majority of taxes in the US, but that's only b/c the top 1% control > 42% of the wealth.
I'm do not suggest "redistribution", but I will offer this:
"The wealth of the 1% is safe until the 99% are dying in the streets."
Time for "Fair Share"