This was agreed upon after Trumps "No Settlement" tweet, and after a court judgement against them that the foundation was running illegally.…

It includes 19 paragraphs of illegal activity by the foundation.
There aren't ALLEGATIONS or ACCUSATIONS. These are FACTUAL ADMISSIONS of guilt by Trump on behalf of his foundation.…
- A Foundation fundraiser Jan 2016 raised $2.8M for Veterans, but the board (over which Trump presided) gave control of those funds to Trump's campaign.
- The campaign would go on to take credit for those funds.
* Feb 2007 - $158k for the settlement of an award against the Trump Nataional Golf Club
* April 2007 - $100k for a settlement against Mar-A-Lago
* March 2014 - $100k for a portrait of Trump
* Dec 2015 - $32k to North American Land Trust to settle an easement with Seven Springs, LLC
It should be noted that Trump paid back many of these expenses, but ONLY AFTER he had been caught.
- Trump ADMITTED the Foundation wrongdoings as listed in the 19 paragraphs.
- Trump did NOT donate $2M on his own, he was ordered to by the court.
- Trump did NOT dissolve the Foundation b/c he was tired of being hassled. It was part of the settlement.