“We expect to be cutting a lot out of Dodd-Frank b/c, frankly, I have so many people, friends of mine, who have nice businesses who can’t borrow money. They just can’t get any money b/c the banks just won’t let them borrow.”
The idea was simple:
Force companies to act responsibly by not allowing them to over-leverage.
Trump signs a bill, fast tracked through the still @GOP-controlled House and Senate, that allows banks to make riskier short-term bets.
The Trump admin relaxes oversight on financial institutions and gives banks a free pass on even riskier bets while also decreasing the percentage of capital banks needed on-hand to cover those bets.
1. Companies that SHOULDN'T be borrowing more money (b/c they can't service the debt if profits don't keep rising) ARE.
2. Banks that SHOULDN'T be taking those bets b/c they're too risky, ARE.
3. Nobody is watching b/c of reduced oversight.
As long as it CONTINUES to grow, the accumulating debt won't be a problem.
What WE need to do is elect reps who won't boost their short-term numbers with a proven recipe for disaster.