So, Bharat's 'Experimental Sciences' & 'Scientific Methods' ALSO owe their existence to Mughals or what? Oh my.
Thread. (1/12) @madhukishwar
Speech comes from hearing. Letters & Language are not natural to Man, but only a result of instructions and conversations.
But, Akbar takes up this on a whim and does a 'Language Deprivation Experiment.'
He could have taken care of the Famine/distress stricken families instead. But he did NOT. (4/12)
(Imagine the plight of the parents of the tragic 'guinea pig' children!)
But no sound EVER reaches them for FOUR years or so.
Guards & Akbar ensure that. (6/12)
QED. Successful expt. But, children who could have otherwise flowered, were dumbized by a Dumbo.
The hagiographer/biographer Badaoni says some of the 'sucklings became the nurselings of mother earth.'
So they were just let-out, uncared for? No answers.
And we celebrate such heartless tyrants - all in the name of shams such as Ganga-Jamuni Tehzeeb & Islamic(!) tolerance(!!).
Akbar, the Great? My foot.