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Sep 3, 2023 9 tweets 3 min read
+1. (continuing) Missionary Jean-Antoine 'Abbe' Dubois type needs/urges to demonize Hindus is of course one thing, but...

Written by a French Jesuit & purchased/translated by East India Co to be a manual of information for young English administrators going to India, it...

1/9 ...also gained sanction from the British Colonialists (whose lowly bootlickers, our Dravidians are).

So, it 'moulded' the thought process of an entire generation of 'administrators' of the Indian colony, which persists to this day because, later ->ICS->IAS is a continuum.

Jun 21, 2023 9 tweets 4 min read
Jacqueline 'Jackie' Kennedy's conversations with Schlesinger (1964); some snippets about our 'Chacha' Nehru.

Chacha Nehru went to USA to meet with John F Kennedy on a "worst State visit of latter's Presidency" in 1961, w/ his daughter IndiraG.

1962: Jackie visited India.
1/10 Context: JFK: Nehru was more interested in talking to Jackie than to him!

In a conversation about Charles de Gaulle, she talks off the cuff, about the way, "Nehru treats the man who sleeps outside his door, or something" class bias showing up. So much for Socialist creds.

Jul 25, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
The level of scholarship of the Dravidian 'Tamil Intellectuals' is always just about at the rock-bottom.

Example: One such Dravidian Apologist Rajan Kurai Krishnan, routinely passes off his ignorance as much-learned wisdom. One such hilarious case in his new June2022 trash. 1/4 In which, the imbeciles claim that, EVR 'Periyar' the Dravidian bigot, only protested against Rama & Ganesha (because they were used by 'political hinduism') but not against 'Lord Murugan' perhaps because he was a 'Tamil God'...whatever!

But the fact is that EVR did do it...2/4
Jul 24, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
Is Sri Murukan AKA Subrahmanya an 'exclusive Tamil' God?


1. He is a Dharmic God. Belongs to ALL Bharatiyas, including Tamils.

2. 'Purely Tamil' Murukan is a fiction.

3. Most, if not ALL mythologies/legends of Murugan/Kartikeya/Skanda are drawn from Bharatiia Epics.

1/4 4. 'Sangam Age' is an interesting fiction concocted by Tamil Archaisation attempts.

5. Yes. Tamils have been genuinely fond of Murukan from ca 7th Century CE (noted by 'Sangam' literature from then on)

6. Other Bharatiyas are ALSO fond of & worship the same God/Ishvara.

Jul 23, 2022 9 tweets 4 min read
'Public Historian' @AKanisetti has written an abominably obtuse essay "Chola period wasn’t golden age of Tamils. Modern obsession with their glory is misplaced" theprint.in/opinion/chola-…. It has nⁿ terrible issues.

Am taking just one claim in it & analyzing it as a sample. 1/9 "Many rebellions are also documented in Chola period Tamil Nadu in MD Rajkumar’s Struggles for Rights During the Later Chola Period."
a. First, the name is Rajukumar & NOT Rajkumar & it is obvious that PH has not gone beyond the abstract of that another abominable research(!) 2/9 Image
Jun 18, 2022 6 tweets 3 min read
Sir, am thrilled; am currently on a Tamil/Dravidian model Archaeology + Anthropology expeditionary mission in Assam, to trace the definite Ancient Origins of Assam to Tamil.

In our season#1 excavation at Gotanagar, we recovered an interesting plaque, of Sangam Age vintage. 1/6 It clearly says that there were (& still are) people of Tamil origin, who called themselves as Tamuli/Tamizhi.

Not only that, they were AJ, a short form of Ajivakas. Ajivakism after all, was a Tamil Religion.

Happy news, no? 2/6
May 28, 2021 10 tweets 3 min read
Israel(Jewry) always batted for India. The ties between Bharat & Israel are civilizational & based on shared values & common security interests.

A demo of the goodwill/concern happened 20 yrs ago. May 2001. Taliban propped up by Pakistan had a stranglehold on Afghanistan. 1/10 Like the Jews, who were identified with yellow stars & demeaned/herded & ultimately murdered by Nazis, the remnant Hindus (including Sikhs) were ordered by the Jihadis to hang a yellow cloth piece outside their homes.
Their womenfolk were ordered to wear ONLY yellow clothes. 2/10
Apr 6, 2021 12 tweets 4 min read
6th April. This day in 1929, Mahashay Rajpal ji of Lahore was stabbed to death by Ilm-uddin, a Jihadi/Islamic fanatic.

Thread about a famous book called 'Rangila Rasul' (Colourful Prophet) - its history & aftermath.

...Early 1900s saw intense engagement between ... 1/12 Image ...Aryasamaj & Islam & it was bloody, because Islam was involved. Islamics wrote books like 'Krishna teri gita jalaana padegi' (Krishna, your Gita should be burnt)

'Sita ka Chinala' was a pamphlet written by a Muslim, claiming that Sita ji (or Ramayana) was a prostitute.
Oct 8, 2020 5 tweets 2 min read
AudreyTruschke is a fake 'victimized woman, Jew' narrativist & apologist for the atrocities of despot Aurangzeb, no doubt.

But she isn't even original in her half-baked approaches; she only follows the old propaganda by the likes of Pringle Kennedy & Sadiq Ali of Kapurthala. 1/5 Pringle Kennedy was a barrister & auteur of histories, like about Prophet Mohammed, who he called "The Man of the Hour!"

In his 1905-11 twin volume hagiography about 'A History of the Great Moghuls' he defends Aurangzeb and his atrocities against the Hindus & their cultural 2/5
Sep 5, 2020 11 tweets 4 min read
Did a rich Muslim, Fakir Mohammed Rowther Sait, significantly help our 'Kappalotiya Thamizhar,' the Great Patriot Helmsman, Sri Vallinayagan Ulaganathan Chidambaram Pillai?


(A note on the remarkable & dharmic VOCPillai of Swadeshi Steamship Navigation Company (1906-11) 1/11 Many Islamist organizations like TN TawheedJamaat, the general political secular discourse, and even PhD theses frequently claim that Sri VOC Pillai was 'helped' by some Muslims - like 'Haji' Fakir Mohammed Rowther Sait.

And lament that, their 'help' is forgotten by Bharat.
Aug 8, 2020 6 tweets 3 min read
This 8th August, but in 1993, Islamic Terrorists RDX bombed the RSS HeqdQtrs in Chennai, Tamilnadu.

11 Swayam Sevaks perished + 7 badly injured. Blasts were so terrible that, the body parts of the deceased rained on the students studying at a nearby place!

Lest we forget. 1/6 Of the 18 Muslims chargesheeted, 11 were convicted and 3/11 awarded life sentences in 2007.

Following screen grabs give an idea of the devastation that was wrecked on the Bharatiya fabric, by the Islamists lumpen. 2/6
May 2, 2020 10 tweets 5 min read
Professional whitewashers of Indic histories - Indrani Chatterjee (UT Austin Prof) & Richard Eaton (Arizona univ Prof, @audreytruschke's guru) edited a 2006 book 'Slavery & South Asian History.'

Of course, it has NO chapter/mention of Mughal slavery accounts! @madhukishwar (1/9) Mughals & their predecessor-predatory Sultans, specialized in Slave taking - not only to stock-up for their Harems, Eunuch soldiers, Pederasty & gen purpose work - they also happily EXPORTED slaves to the Central Asian markets. (2/9)
Apr 13, 2020 12 tweets 3 min read
Jalaluddin 'Akbar' - The Mughal who conducted cruel, heart wrenching 'language experiments' on poor, usurped babies.

So, Bharat's 'Experimental Sciences' & 'Scientific Methods' ALSO owe their existence to Mughals or what? Oh my.

Thread. (1/12) @madhukishwar We all know this:

Speech comes from hearing. Letters & Language are not natural to Man, but only a result of instructions and conversations.

But, Akbar takes up this on a whim and does a 'Language Deprivation Experiment.'
Apr 7, 2020 6 tweets 3 min read
Thread about Spitting as authorized & recommended in Islam, as per its verified/authentic sources. (1/6)

Muhammad spat on Mahmud bin Ar-Rabi' (Sahih Bukhari: volume 1, book 12, No 801)

@_sabanaqvi @bhootnath @rahulroushan Image "By Allah, if he [Muhammad] spat, the spittle would fall in the hand of one of them (i.e. the Prophet's companions) who would rub it on his face and skin..."

(Sahih al-Bukhari: volume 3, book 50, number 891)

(2/6) Image
Mar 13, 2020 14 tweets 5 min read
'Sufi' Jalaluddin Rumi - his bottomless hatred for anything Hindustan & Hindus; questioning as to why this islamic BIGOT is held out to be a virtuous & pious soul and an unifier of faiths, preaching universal brotherhood & all that... Thread (1/14) Rumi considered Hindu to be always ugly, black & of evil omen - and 'on occasions has compared Hindu with unclean black dog.' Off Annmarie Schimmel: The Triumphant Sun. (2/14) Image
Nov 20, 2019 7 tweets 5 min read
Rosgulla or Rasgullahs - owe their origins to, who else, but our Pride of India, the Mughals!

#ThanksMughals Image In fact IDLI (the fav food of the Madrassis, is a gift to India from the Mughals.

How many of us know about the modern day Mughal Princess, Ms Kushboo, after whom a new Idli type has been named?

#ThanksMughals Image
Oct 24, 2019 9 tweets 3 min read
1801, Oct 24: British/EIC colonizers, executed a whole bunch of very focused & steadfast Rebels, Freedom fighters of Bharat without trial, in down south Tamilnadu - at Tirupattur/Sivaganga. Including the patriotic Marudhu Brothers of Kalaiyaar-Kovil of Ramanathapuram area. THREAD 1790-1801: Bharat's first recorded, coordinated uprising/war against the British/EIC took place. That is, with the full consciousness that, the war was not merely fought to retain their own regions & territories, but for the whole of India. It happened mainly in down south TN...
May 16, 2019 10 tweets 4 min read
Ever wonder how come Gujarat, Maharashtra, Tamilnadu etc have shown SOLID industrial growth over decades & West Bengal, Kerala haven't?

The MAIN reason is the Leftist lunatics have been de-fanged in the former.

'STRIKING' data below!(Mamtadi continues with the grand tradition!) 50 shades of RED - Leftist Scoundrels.

* Double standards wrt MNCs
* Allocation of prime lands to various investors (all of 'em CAPITALISTS!)
* What is worse, evicted farmers were NOT compensated!

And these SCUM protest all over India against acquisition of farmland, MNCs...
May 10, 2019 5 tweets 2 min read
Wikileaks' USA internal communication release abt Barkha Dutt's irresponsible & indiscreet reportage.

Dunno how many of us remember 2009 Chyetanya Kunte incident after the 2008 Bombay blasts -a blog-post & its aftermath by way of apology received.
"The post represents..."(1/4) "...an important consensus in the minds of the Indian Public that some journalists are irresponsible while reporting. During the November Mumbai attacks, it has been said that the indiscreet journalism of Ms. Barkha Dutt was responsible for the terrorists getting..."(2/4)
Nov 15, 2018 13 tweets 5 min read
Series about: History of Accounting philosophies, Indic contributions, ArthaShasthra. Rudrapatna Shamasastry - 2018 is his 150th birth anniversary - with this son-of-the-soil NOT being celebrated while the scums-of-the-soil (eg: Tipu) ARE! @sgurumurthy @MRVChennai @dharmadispatch Of course we all know: AS was written c300BCE by VishnuguptaKautilya aka Chanakya. Much of its content are records of how things were done, but also abt how things should be undertaken. It is a handbook on statecraft, jurisprudence, strategy, tactics, law&order etc etc, but...