from Michel Cuypers book the Banquet as a complementary to your fine discussion. I know you have touched & covered much of it, but it may gave another relevant perspective.
And when God said, “O Jesus son of Mary! Didst thou say unto mankind, ‘Take me and my mother as gods apart from God?’” He said, “Glory be to Thee! It is not for me to utter that to which I have no right. Had I said it, Thou wouldst surely have known it.
«Take me and my mother to be two divinities in addition to God»
(Qur’an Surah 5: verse 116 section c)
The Qur'an's assertion of Mary's non-divinity is surprising.
Some have thought that Jesus' mother [امی] might be describing the Holy Spirit, a confusion which goes back to the Gnostic sect of Ophites, mentioned by Irenaeus (second century), which turned
Neither should we lose sight that the outer sequences (BI and B3) of section B [ of Surah 5 The Banquet] together constitute an urgent invitation to Christians to convert to Islam, turning away from their basic doctrinal error,
permission» and speaks to God as «my Lord». What is at stake in v.116, it seems, is not so much a Mariological heresy
@jricole @shahanSean @19Averil