NOW: because of FASB 157, nobody can lend to the banks anymore (they had to mark their assets to less than zero)...Which means banks can't loan to companies to make payroll....
- Mark to market was the law in the early 20th century but outlawed by FDR in 1938, which probably led to the end of the Great Depression as banks were able to lend more.
So how did Recession end?....
- March 9, the market started going straight up until Feb 2020 (coronavirus)..... Similar to The Great Depression...
- Bill Ackman turned a $27mm investment last month into $2.6 BILLION. He went on CNBC saying the world was going to hell. He sold his investment right after. BUT....
- blame Clinton for loosening borrowing requirements?
- blame FASB 157
- blame hedge funds for speculating
- blame Glass-Steagall for deregulating banks
- blame banks for lending the money
- blame hedge funds for manipulating the market of MBS
- blame Bush for not seeing this coming
- blame Paulson for the bailouts
The point is....