First of all, welcome! We are so glad you joined us today.
Please use our hashtags (#Data4BlackLives and #d4bl) to join the conversation!
Our future survival depends on our ability to make radical demands.
- Stacy, Director of Operations
- Nicole, Director of Policy
- @lucasmasonbrown, Co-Founder
- @JamelleWD, Director of Research
- Tara from Purpose Productions (@KwanzaaKid)
Today, she'll be talking about #COVID19 disproportionate impact on Black Folks, specifically on systems of racism as a root cause.
Racism in the inability to access care or insurance, in diagnoses and medical testing, and in the QUALITY of care.
It doesn't operate in silos but rather connects across these domains, reinforcing and amplifying the impact of this oppression.
1. Black folks must be guiding data collection efforts, interpretation, analysis and use
2. The work of Black organizations must be uplifted
3. Black communities must not only be heard but centered
Starting with prevention, we know that hand washing, social distancing, and other common preventative measures are NOT one-size-fits-all.
POC are much more likely to be less protected "essential workers" mandated to work. Additionally, severe inadequacies in testing and surveillance disproportionately burden communities of color.
Pre-existing conditions, criteria for prioritizing resources and pre-existing racial bias disadvantage Black folks.
Who gets turned away for treatment? Who gets stopped for not wearing masks?
WE need to be having these conversations in our communities.
Sole discretion like this is the playbook for institutional racism.
Black folks are not disposable.
Let's hold space for Black folks who are already over-surveilled by police and are now are seen as even more suspicious for wearing bandannas. For Black folks leading nonprofits disproportionately impacted by changes in philanthropy.
And while data is more critical than ever, they made sure that this survey would not perpetuate harm.
Yes, data is important, but so is community.
"When you spend years or decades in a cage, and now you have to stay home (due to #COVID19), sometimes the walls can feel like they are closing in."
We must invest in the same struggle.
We saw the surgeon general trying to put on a narrative of personal responsibility, but we have to resist this and reclaim our narrative.
Let's share skills to leverage data for our own benefit and sustain the movement.
There's a lot of work happening in the health and healing space in building mutual aid, educating folks on historical context, and centering directly impacted folks in the movement.
How do we position the world past #COVID19? What does the world look like without prison? Where medicine and healing are free?
We know that there will be privileged folks who come up with solutions to #COVID19 but refuse to give up their power.
Hoarding resources is a disservice to Black folks.
Community-based participatory research and data disaggregated by race are not enough. We need community-LED research.
How do we make sure resources get to Black-led, queer-led, women-led, Southern organizations? To those directly impacted?
Movement-building is not the most high-tech solution but we know that it works.
Work with us to reclaim data as protest, as accountability, and as action.