Hx: palpable mass (No X-rays. 🤷♂️)
Diagnosis? Any relevant medical history you can think of?
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Here we have the exact same finding except secondary to chronic renal failure, thus “secondary” or “uremic” tumoral calcinosis.
Interestingly CRF is actually the most frequent cause of a periarticular calcified mass. And there are no radiographic or histologic differences between primary or secondary TC.
- Amorphous, multilobulated Ca++ located about a joint.
+/- cystic w/ layering milk of calcium (sedimentation sign).
- Can be homogeneous (⬇️ activity and ⬇️ growth)
- Not connected to underlying bone
- No osseous erosion or destruction by the mass
Clinical: palpable mass, classically painless
Treatment: Primarily dialysis and phosphate depletion (diet, phosphate binders)
Stay Safe!👍😀