= torsion of the cecum around it's mesentery
~10% of intestinal volvuli
often prior abd surgery or pelvic mass
present as prox colon obstruction (pain,n,v, distention)
-accumulation of mucinous ascites from mucin producing tumor. This case is the classic mucinous appendiceal tumor s/p multiple debulking surgeries! #FOAMed#FOAMrad#Radres#bodyrad
Multiple hyperenhancing hepatic masses in a young female. Largest in L lobe w hyperdensity (blood)➡️irreg contour w mild extracapsular hemorrhage #FOAMrad#radres#bodyrad#ERrad
The heart rests on the medial diaphragms, so normally they are silhouetted out. When we see them (blue arrows) it means there is air between the heart and diaphragm @chestcases#FOAMed#errad#chestrad
We have focal mass-like soft tissue density posterior to the olecranon with o/w minimal soft tissue edema. Add on some soft tissue Ca+ and this is classic picture of gouty olecranon bursitis
We see hyperdensity w/in the basilar cisterns. While it can be a common appearance of subarachnoid hemorrhage secondary to aneurysm rupture, make sure to look at the entire exam!
L infrahilar mass - Does NOT obscure L heart border (blue) but does obscure aortic border (red - dashed lines being expected course and dark red line outlining mass).
Hilum overlay sign apparent as we still see hilar vessels through the mass (orange), ie mass is not the hilum