To wait for external permission for our brain to then grant us emotions
“Can I go out with my friends?
“Can I please buy this”
“Can I play this position coach?”
“Can I have the steak as my order?”
✅ If ‘yes’ = permission is granted for brain to release good emotion
This becomes a deeply rooted habit of waiting for external triggers
But in reality all the external is doing is GRANTING your brain permission to release good emotion
Not as some coping mechanism.
Not some fake woke
👦🏻 “ive transcended materialistic views brahhhh”
Lol no. BUT...
🔑 When implemented right it’s the secret to get everything you ever want
...a secret 100x more potent and effective
How much better action
How much you enjoy the action
> If you already posses the emotion it’s who you are, not a foreign place
Less resistance, Less doubt. Magnetically drawn to action
You will naturally act congruent with these emotions <