Breathe easy w/ these airway management principles & expert tips for managing the pt w/ COVID-19 related lung disease
Part 1 of 2

1. High flow nasal cannula (HFNC): Start at 10-20 LPM and 100% FIO2 and ask patients to breathe in through their nose, out through their mouth and purse their lips to generate PEEP.
5. Compliance refers to how easily the lung distends – this should be regularly assessed (by plateau pressure)
In the context of the current COVID-19 pandemic, hypoxemia w/ bilateral CXR findings upon presentation is concerning.
Dont stop being a good internist! Consider a broad differential.
Hx of heart disease?
Hx of CHF?
Other viral illnesses?
Be quick! Make note of accessory muscle use.
Listen for evidence of murmur, perhaps a quick lung exam – make sure to use proper PPE!
Dr. Watto pointed out – consider getting two or even three in patients with a high pretest probability).
Kashlak Pearl!: the coronavirus tested for on the respiratory viral PCR panel is not the novel coronavirus
These patients should be strongly considered for admission, close monitoring w/ continuous pulse oximetry, & supplemental O2 should be provided as needed.
Would further consider admission to the ICU, especially if NC O2 needs on admission are greater than > 6LPM