Eat a well-balanced diet every day to get:
✅ vitamins
✅ minerals
✅ dietary fibre
✅ protein
✅ antioxidants
your body needs to be healthier with a stronger immune system & to ⬇️ your risk of chronic illnesses & infectious diseases.

Daily, eat:
2 cups of fruit 🥝🍊🥭🍏
2.5 cups of vegetables 🥕🥦🍅🧄
180 g of grains 🌾
160 g of meat & beans 🥩🍖🥫

Drink 8-10 cups of water every day. You can also eat 🍏🍊 & 🥦🥕 that contain water & consume other drinks.
🔴 too much caffeine
🔴 sweetened fruit juices
🔴 syrups
🔴 fruit juice concentrate
🔴 fizzy & still drinks

✔️ Eat unsaturated fats 🐟🥜🥑
❌ Don’t eat saturated fats 🥩🧈🧀
❌ Don’t eat industrially produced trans fats 🍔🍟🍪

🔻 Limit your salt 🧂 intake to less than 5 g (1 teaspoon) per day & use iodized salt.
🔻 Limit your intake of soft drinks or sodas and other drinks that are high in sugar.

With lots of people coming & going in public restaurants and cafes, you cannot tell if 👐 are being washed & surfaced are being cleaned & disinfected regularly enough.