Differing levels of support for contact tracing apps in U.S. vs. UK.
U.S. @pewresearch study:
60% "say that if the govt tracked people’s locations through their cellphone it would not make much of a difference in limiting the spread of the virus"
UK study:
"There is wide support for app-based contact tracing.
"About three-quarters of respondents said they would definitely or probably install
the app."
Perceived lack of app efficacy in U.S. likely to lead to lower levels of adoption.
Add this to skepticism being expressed by legislators, public health officials, privacy advocates, etc.
Self-fulfilling prophecy?
Steep hill for U.S. adoption.
"In countries including France, Germany and Italy, the acceptance rate for downloading contact-tracing apps ranged between 67.5% and 85.5%, according to an Oxford University survey. "
The Oxford U. survey suggests HIGHER U.S. levels of contact tracing app acceptance (than does the @pewresearch study) bit.ly/34LxCZu
"Over two thirds of respondents say they would definitely or probably install such
an app voluntarily on their phone."
Here's more survey data re: public acceptance of COVID19 contact tracing apps.
The @KFF study: kff.org/global-health-…
* a majority (68%) are willing to use an app to share results from a coronavirus test to allow public health officials to track the spread
Harris Poll cited by @politico politi.co/2KQh4Xj
"40 percent of Americans believe the tech industry should help solve the outbreak, and 81 percent approve of large tech firms specifically helping to trace coronavirus cases. "
Additional survey data on comfort with location/contact tracing apps:
From the @MorningConsult National Tracking Poll bit.ly/3eUM6e5
See Tables 11-14
Q: And how comfortable would you feel if TECHNOLOGY COMPANIES shared your location data, including where you have traveled, w/ the government so that the govt could better track the spread of the coronavirus?
Very/somewhat comfortable – 32%
Very/somewhat uncomfortable – 59%
Q. How much would you trust LARGE TECHNOLOGY COMPANIES to build an effective tool to track people’s locations to combat the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic (coronavirus)?
A lot/some – 41%
Not much/not at all – 45%
Q: How much would you trust FEDERAL AGENCIES to build an effective tool to track people’s locations to combat the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic (coronavirus)?
A lot/some – 54%
Not much/not at all – 33%
Q: And how much would you trust LARGE TECHNOLOGY COMPANIES to keep the data collected about you to better track the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic (coronavirus), including health information & location data, protected and secure?
A lot/some – 35%
Not much/not at all – 53%
Q: And how much would you trust FEDERAL AGENCIES to keep the data collected about you to better track the spread of the COVID-19
pandemic (coronavirus), including health information and location data, protected and secure?
A lot/some – 51%
Not much/not at all – 36%
Here's one more poll from WAPO/Univ of MD re: apps for COVID19.
The headline:
"Most Americans are not willing or able to use an app tracking coronavirus infections. That’s a problem for Big Tech’s plan to slow the pandemic."
"Among the 82% of Americans who do have smartphones, willingness to use an infection-tracing app is split evenly, with 50% saying they definitely or probably would use such an app and an equal percentage saying they probably or definitely would not."