a) FB has betrayed user trust AND now almost all know this
b) Repeated violations:
* Lack of compliance w/ 2011 FTC consent decree bit.ly/2QyuT1u
* lack of controls on apps sharing data
* Cambridge Analytica
* opaque privacy/sharing settings
* treat data as a FB asset, not a user asset
c) Users still believe they get value from FB (i.e., keep in touch w/ network)
d) Despite "knowing" FB is rotten, most users shrug. Feel powerless to change FB.
e) FB has VERY strong network effects. "You can leave FB, but you can't take your network with you."
f) So, IMO FB plan mostly will be to continue status quo, w/ a few tweaks. Biz model NOT threatened TODAY.
g) Biggest unknown/threat for FB: potential for GDPR type Fed and/or State legislation.
Will users be given some type of property rights to control use of their own data?
h) AND...if legislation were passed, would there be mechanisms & resources provided for government enforcement?
AND private actions? (e.g. class-action suits)
i) However, IMO, despite noises being made, prospects for legislation to control FB et. al. still UNLIKELY.
Xlnt series: "The long and difficult road to a U.S. privacy law"