But CV19 has shown how dependent capital is on workers. It cannot exist, it cannot grow, it cannot do much of anything w/o workers.
The $$ they sat back and watched grow without lifting a finger is shrinking bc workers aren't there.
This is how capital mystifies what it does. It makes it appear capitalists are the great gifters of jobs when...
When workers demand higher wages, they merely expect a fairer share of the surplus value capital takes from them.
The great lie that capitalists sell is that they "give" jobs & livelihoods & workers must appreciate that.
The Russian & Chinese revolutions weren't rebellions...
[What I would like to do with those people....never mind!]
This is where we go back to the 1st several posts in this thread.
The virus is in its infancy. It's becoming clearer that falling ill w/it does not create immunity & there will be more waves of infections & deaths. Bc it can be contagious....
While vaccines are being fast tracked [and capitalist eyes glow w/giant $ signs], millions more will sicken and die. Fewer will sicken & die if we follow the rules. MORE
They want workers to come back & keep creating the surplus value their $BN assets require so they will grow, maybe, to $TNs.
Guess what, folks?
More pay [i.e., greater share of that surplus value], better work conditions, better safety conditions, better health care [full cov'g for everything], better pensions, better SS.
While Marx couldn't have predicted that a pandemic...
The open question is: will workers use the power it has given them...
Flash tho't derived from this [tho I'm sure other lefties have arrived at it as well]...
Capitalists want everyone back at work giving their all [including their lives] so the mystification will continue.
& of course they fight "socialism" w/lies...
So workers absolutely must get back to giving capitalists the surplus value they claim to own already.
But nothing says the people can't create something better for all.
...or continue to read as separate tweets below.