1) I created my Twitter acct more than a decade ago. But rarely used it. In the last 14 months, I've been more active than ever.
It's the channel that yields the most # of applications. Warm referrals are a really close 2nd. Statistically probably the same.
I suspect this holds true for other VCs.
I'll come back to that in a minute.
We do look at *every* cold pitch. But warm referrals still yield 80-90% of all done deals (depending on timing).
So why bother with cold pitches at all?
For ex, do ppl decide to refer me a pizza startup because I tweet a lot about the hot pockets I ate for lunch?
That would get attributed as a warm referral, but the impetus for it was Twitter.
One way that you can attempt to solve this puzzle is by looking to see there are correlations. In this case, I get more pizza startup warm referrals the more I tweet.
This of course is not scientific, but often in marketing you do the best you can w/ whatever concrete data you have.
A lot of marketing involves making best guesses around unattributed channels.
You'll continue to have the privilege of reading about the hot pockets I eat here.