PART 1 - Simultaneous interpretation on Zoom
👥[This is a collaborative thread, please do contribute if you participated!]
#1nt #SimInterpretationZoom #ColleaguesNotCompetition #CPD #WISE1nt

Pro account + Video Webinar add-on = min. requirements to enable Interpretation feature.
100 participants, 2 of them host/co-host, 14 of them interpreting, EN-ES-FR-DE-IT > EN-ES-FR-IT configuration (based on lang. combination of volunteering interpreters, it works with up to 7 languages). 3-4 terps per booth (up to 6 tested on same booth).
Interpreters met beforehand in breakout rooms to agree on #handover (4 booths, 4 breakout rooms). Interpreters exchanged contact details and used WhatsApp or similar messaging to coordinate switching among themselves.
Assigning #terps to each channel(booth) needs to be done on the fly,once all interpreters are on the call.Pre-assigning terps when creating the meeting on website doesn’t seem to work.
*One user with paid account couldn’t be added as name didn’t appear in list.
Interpreters changed name following pattern “EN Name”, “FR Name”, "ES Name"... in order to be easily identified in the chatbox and participant list.
Only for coordination purposes, no discussion in chatbox allowed to prevent it being inundated.
Participants using the chat usually leads to parallel discussions - added cognitive load, more difficult to focus on main debate.
Quality of sound varies significantly depending on mic type and mic use of each person (and Internet connection). In-line mics and in-built pc mics not ideal for participants (and should be a no-no for terps).
Host and co-host are needed (in a debate). The host assigns the interpreters and both host and co-host mute any mics left open. Participants request the floor with the 'raise hand' button and the moderator gives the floor in turn to those who want to speak.
When in the booth,you can only listen to the floor.Cannot listen to the colleague sharing booth nor listen to other booths. So no relay possible,you can only interpret from floor (@zoom_us)
Plus no option to adjust floor volume when listening to interpretation