NEWMOON in Aries 9°17' (sidereal) #Ashwini Nakshatra
Time to set a new intention in the area where Aries is in your chart. Aries is new beginnings.
Aries rising: Find a new YOU
Pisces rising : Find a new source of income
Capricorn rising: Set intention to find inner-peace
Sagittarius rising: Find a new creative project
Scorpio rising: Find a new daily routine/heal your body
Libra rising: Time to set your partnerships right
Leo rising: find inspiration to take action on your beliefs
Cancer Rising: Set intention to find a fulfilling work
Gemini rising: set intentions to grow your social media
Taurus rising: time to set healthy boundaries for self
Both Sun & Moon will be aspected by Aries ruler Mars and Ashwini ruler SouthNode Ketu where this new moon is happening.
Ashwini is the initiation of the cosmic birth that begins the story of creation through the 12 signs. Power to heal.
*One must study overall chart before coming to any conclusions.