The mainstream media is pure propaganda.
The only voices who are given a platform are those who told you [before the crash] "everything is fine! Our economy is booming! Don't listen to the naysayers!"
I just can't keep pouring so much energy into this when it's being ignored...and not getting the amplification that it deserves.
I want all of you people who consume news to understand that. The news that you consume is mostly propaganda.
People like me can't get our truth out! I'm tired, I'm tired, I'm tired of trying.
They completely ignored it as it inflated...and ignore it now that it has burst. It's an outrage.)
Here is my formula:
1) Be a millennial
2) Be of the Austrian School of Economics (i.e., the only ones who correctly foresee bubbles & financial crises)
3) Counter the "rainbows & unicorns" mainstream worldview