CDC’s Dr. Redfield:
- CNN misconstrued statement; actual statement was about upcoming fall and winter bringing in flu cases that may complicate efforts.
- My comments were to appeal to Americans to embrace the flu vaccine

Fake news ignores the truth, ignores the Administration’s incredible successes; after panicking for weeks about ventilators, no one in fake news talks about ventilators anymore. We did such a good job fake news doesn’t want to cover it.

- Admin working closely with governors to ensure they have strategies in place to mitigate spread for the most vulnerable
- Technical assistance through one on one phone calls via @VP
- Dr. Ben Carson to spearhead economic initiatives for African American communities
- We will lift this economy up to even more prosperity than before this invisible enemy hit it
- Temporary Immigration Freeze to save American Jobs and Health care resources
- Planted a tree with @FLOTUS to commemorate #EarthDay50 - looking forward to day nat parks reopen
- Detroit metro past its peak
- Stabilization and declines in Houston, Atlanta, Baltimore
- This is a tribute to the American People
- Full weight of US Econ is being utilized to help in this crisis.

- Iran knows my position; it is different from Obama’s
- Rules of engagement for our US Military will not need to be changed in order to follow directive to destroy aggressor Iranian vessels
- It was likely optics, made for television
- We know more about Iran than even they know