Everyone will tell you they want to be buried in Africa but fail to discuss end of life care.
A thread & Public Service Announcement- a story & lesson after caring for my Nigerian friend's father (now recovered)! 1
@DrSenait @fitsumaregaa @TayeAtske

I’m talking about a conversation about more than wanting to be buried back in Africa. How about how they want to die? End of life care? Goals of Care?
Too often we wait for the emergency to try and have these conversations. 4
Four days ago, a Nigerian friend of mine brought his father to my hospital due to difficulty breathing-yup. You guessed it right- it was COVID.
HIs father was severely ill. Within minutes, I had to ask the most difficult questions? 5
My friend’s answer to everything, “I don’t know. We never talked about it.” 7
Thankfully, his father recovered with semi-aggressive measures. 9
He told his wife over FaceTime the fish Dr. Tsion brought wasn’t as good as hers!
Then he turns around & says to me “God Bless You, my daughtaaa!”
Tears of happiness behind my goggles! 12
Will share tips on how to initiate these conversations.
Better Prepared than not.
Thank you for reading & taking action.
Naija Hustling! #NewYorkTough #ImmigrantStrong