Today we share the story of how the Bodleian received, lost, and regained our very own copy of Shakespeare’s First Folio (which you can view at #DigitalBodleian)
Ready for some outrageous fortune? The game is afoot!…+

Published by #Shakespeare’s pals and peers, the First Folio preserved treasures such as Twelfth Night, The Tempest and Macbeth - which may otherwise have been lost.

Centuries passed.
But, like Banquo, some things are never gone for good...
An anonymous buyer offered the Turbutt family £3000 for this copy – an unthinkable amount for the Bodleian Libraries who had never spent more than about £200 for a book!
We were, like Trinculo, in a pickle.
With bated breath and little time left to spare, our plea was answered by more than 80 subscribers – from #Oxford and beyond - offering donations!
Having won back our precious copy, we locked it away for safekeeping.
We have archives of donor letters too – including that of the poor clergyman who requested his guinea back, having fallen on hard times.
And before you ask - we are actually very good friends now, thank you very much. :)…

Backers included Dame Vanessa Redgrave, @StephenFry and @ProfBate - who called the First Folio “the most important secular book in the history of the western world”.……
Have too much of a good thing: see it with your own eyes.

Further reading/viewing:
@HertfordCollege Professor of Shakespeare Studies Emma Smith will tell you more at:
Emma's book on the First Folio is here:…
#ShakespearesBirthday #ShakespeareDay