Full Lirafication: wipe out USD from the economy and replace with it LBP, or monopoly money that can be infinitely printed. Venezuela.
We also have to agree that Banque du Liban (BdL) can indefinitely print LBP but can't print a single USD.
So, why would BdL need to print money?
But BdL, noticing that its LBP stock was running low, decides to print those 400k LBP to refill the stock
Lebanon has:
$115b in deposits
$26b real dollars in the country
or 22.6%
1507.5/(22.6%) = 6670.
So let's say 7000 is a good devaluation for dollarization.
1- falling, stable or rising slowly: buy USD.
2- rising fast: buy goods intelligently. Have in mind the USD-price of the product in 2018, and if it is lower than the current USD price at black market, buy