Daily deaths
• Still too early to say if US has peaked
• Looks like UK has
• But descents look much slower than ascents
• Brazil 📈
• Successes in dark blue: Australia, Norway, Austria
Live charts ft.com/coronavirus-la…

My colleague @ChrisGiles_ estimates UK excess deaths linked to covid far exceed daily reported numbers
• US death is highest worldwide and still rising fast
• Japan could soon pass S Korea
• UK curve still matching Italy’s
• Australia still looks promising
All charts: ft.com/coronavirus-la…

• US curve beginning to taper?
• Turkey still battling a severe outbreak
• Japan has passed Korea’s total, Singapore has passed Japan’s curve: both show the danger of thinking a country has dealt with covid
All charts: ft.com/coronavirus-la…

• NY daily confirmed covid deaths now descending (we’re excluding nursing homes for consistency)
• Daily London deaths also appear to have peaked
• Most Western cities/regions now in plateau or decline phase
All charts: ft.com/coronavirus-la…

• NY curve tapering, but has passed Lombardy for world’s highest subnational death toll
All charts: ft.com/coronavirus-la…

• Rio de Janeiro 📈
• 35 US states now shown
• Stockholm peaking?
• Sicily, Sardinia, Balearics, Canaries all low curves: do islands fare better?
All charts: ft.com/coronavirus-la…

• Norway locked down & Sweden didn’t; NOR daily death toll rose much more slowly than SWE
• Australia faring well
• In Europe, Austria, Denmark, Norway faring well
• New countries added
All charts: ft.com/coronavirus-la…

• Adding more African and other emerging-market countries every day, today Nigeria
• Bangladesh 📈
• Early action in Aus & NZ may have turned corner 🇦🇺🇳🇿📉
• Watch as European countries ease lockdowns 👀
All charts: ft.com/coronavirus-la…

A good metric for this is hospitalisations:
• More reliable than confirmed cases (not influenced by testing regimes)
• Shorter lag than deaths
So here are some charts showing hospitalisations in various countries:
So my call-out tonight is:
Reply here, email coronavirus-data@ft.com or add a link to this spreadsheet: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d…
Here’s a video where I explain why we’re using log scales, showing absolute numbers instead of per capita, and much more:
All of these are invaluable, and we incorporate your suggestions and data every day.
We’ll keep getting back to as many people as possible.
Happy Friday night, folks :-)
Some technical issues getting the data processed, but hopefully back to an earlier service from tomorrow onwards.