148k more deaths than usual across the 15 countries we‘re tracking; 54k above reported Covid deaths at the time
These charts now sit with the trajectories at ft.com/coronavirus-la…

The spike in England & Wales also continues to rise very steeply ft.com/coronavirus-la…

Remember that when you hear the numbers reported each day in your country.
All these charts, free to read: ft.com/coronavirus-la…
if you can point us to data for any other countries or cities on all-cause mortality (total numbers of deaths from all causes), preferably broken down by week or day, and running right up to and including recent weeks 🙏
We added new countries today thanks to you, and we’ll be adding more of the data you sent in the coming days.
• Even when using official mortality data like this, there is a lag in reporting, meaning more deaths can be retrospectively assigned to past dates
• This means our excess mort numbers may rise *for the weeks we’re already showing here* as well as over future weeks