Word to word what MTJ Said:
1. The highest form of IKHLAAQ is HAYA
How can I talk of HAYA ?
Who in my country has ripped HAYA into pieces ?
2. Who has used the daughters
(Here is blaming the MEN of our society who use and abuse women)
3. Who is forcing our daughters to wear skimpy clothes ?
(Again he is pointing to MEN and the SOCIETY who cast in movies Women as objects)
(Again a question that points the blame on MEN WOMEN and the society at large)
5. I am to be blamed ( As a religious scholar) because I couldn’t guide my fellow people.
6. I ask ALLAH for forgiveness
(Again blaming himself)
8. When our sons go towards BEHAYAEE (MEN)
9. Then ALLAH takes his REHMAT away
10. Just like he did with QOM E LUUT
Tell me where in the above word to word transcription is he blaming the women only ?
Why can’t people understand what he is saying ? Is it so difficult to understand ?
11. Then he quotes Prophet SAWS and says: Prophet said:
And here again he is referring to
I will stop here and ask all Pakistanis to be fair and all women and men to be fair and tell me where is he belittling women. He is talking about BEHAYAEE in both MEN & WOMEN
May Allah guide us all. Ameen.