New BLOG POST on the #VExUS Protocol! Step By Step Guide, Downloadable PDF Pocket Guide, & Calculator

Venous Congestion in these organs can lead to significant comorbidity. Download the PDF: 👉🔗

1. Get Image of IVC and hepatic veins.
2. Place color flow Doppler over the hepatic veins. (Should see BLUE-away)
3. Place your Pulse Wave Doppler gate on a hepatic vein
4. Initiate Pulse wave Doppler

1. Get 2D image of the Right Portal Vein
2. Place color flow Doppler over Portal Vein (Should See RED-toward)
3. Place your pulse wave Doppler gate on the Portal Vein
4. Initiate Pulse wave Doppler

1. Get a 2-D image of the Kidney
2. Place color flow Doppler over Kidney.
3. Place your pulse wave Doppler gate on the interlobar vessels
4. Initiate Pulse wave Doppler

Download PDF! 👉🔗
Grade 0: IVC <2cm = NO Congestion
Grade 1: IVC >=2cm with any combo of Normal or Mildly Abnl Patterns
Grade 2: IVC >=2cm and ONE severely Abnl Pattern
Grade 3: IVC >=2cm and >2 Severely Abnl Patterns