I’m going to guess yes, bc everything about Fox has gone to shite.
Anyway, time for dad to do battle w/ the Jihadi Journos & CCP Presstitutes
White House Coronavirus News Conference
Damn sausage fingers.
They're forecast to have 10 million tests by the end of May, working up to 100,000 test per day soon.
Prepare for the MSM to find something else to lie & cry about now that ventilators and tests are under control.
I'm guessing they'll-
Maybe they'll call the tests racist themselves?
I mean, it's not like leftists require their complaints to have any basis in logic.
Now have capacity to test 35k per week, expanding to 1,000 more CVS in May.
Working w/ orgs like National Medical Assoc to bring care to -
POTUS is taking Qs now - I've already seen some insane activist questions. Making dinner so I'll try to get in the good ones.
Notice fuckhead didn't say anything about Fauci or Pelosi or DeBlasio saying the same thing.
Leftists are fucking frauds.
We all know they have. Stop pretending to be a moron.
I wonder if he asked Hussien about the multi-billion dollar ObamaCare website failure?
Doubt it.
I'm sure @POTUS understand this is a dogwhistle, they're looking for the next thing to contort, lie and blow out of context to try and make him look bad.
Like being the primary nation they send their shite wares to.
If they want access to our market, which they need to stay solvent, we have them over a rock.
Here's the deal, Governors: don't act like a tyrant, you won't get treated like a criminal.
POTUS just brushes it aside.
What a bunch of disingenuous POSs.
@VP ain't having it, and tells him, in a nice way, that he's f$cking moron who's wrong.
@VP original quote was about 4mm tests being sent out. The Federal Government can't hold the hands of inept Governors, inefficient hospitals and labs who don't hire enough staff to maximize efficiency.
That's a very important point: activists try to misconstrue when they thought other nations were beating us on testing.
Their tests were fast, but they were shit
POTUS won't answer, but says that what happened to The General is a disgrace & should never be allowed to happen again
@POTUS says the 3rd & 4th quarters will be phenomenal.
Unless #DementiaJoe wins, and then China takes back over (as long as their checks to Hunter clear)
I (personally) never sold, have started buying back in, and am around a 30% return across my portfolio.
"I have a very good idea, but I can't talk about it right now."
"No, that's not true, I never considered changing the election date. I like November 3rd, it's a good date."
"If an American president loses more in 6 weeks than were lost in the Vietnam war, does he deserve to be re-elected?"
Fuck this bitch. I'm gonna leave it at that.
Drunk Playboy reporter yells out, as POTUS is leaving, "why did Newsom have to go to SKorea to get 500k tests?"
Well, we know their tests are shit, and we know Newsom is corrupt, so there you go.
The virtue signaling douchebags are just trying to get it in so they can say, "he refused to answer."
What a bunch of fucksticks.