⏺️Going into meeting with your own agenda
⏺️Starting meeting with code status discussion
⏺️Expecting everyone to be happy with outcomes/discussion
⏺️Holding meeting without all important participants
⏺️Using family member as interpreter 9/18
⏹️Where will meeting take place (patient room vs elsewhere)?
⏹️What is understanding of patient’s condition & prognosis?
⏹️Who will lead meeting, update patient condition/prognosis? 11/18
⏹️Focus on who the patient is and what is important to them
⏹️What is family's understanding of their loved one’s condition?
⏹️Bridge between what and where is prognosis
⏹️Where do we go from here? 12/18
✅Start by asking if family would like your recommendation
✅If yes, consider the following elements:
1. Who is patient and what is important to them?
2. What is most likely clinical outcome? 15/18
• Only agenda is family’s agenda
• Huddle is critical
• Try to limit interruptions and sit down for meeting
• Start by allowing family to express what is important to patient
• Ask permission as you progress through meeting and recommendations 17/18